Minecraft earth has been given it’s first update, anyone who was lucky enough to be in the closed iOS Beta will have notice their account reset… don’t worry this was expected and mentioned by Minecraft last week. This update brings lots of new changes and it’s expected this week for Android beta to start releasing If you have not already make sure you sign up for the android beta here: https://www.mcbedrock.com/2019/08/22/minecraft-earth-android-beta-pre-register-now/

If you’re lucky enough to be in the iOS beta you’ll be faced with this screen after updating. It’s good news because it means you’re now able to explore, collect and even purchase new unlockables.

If you head over to the Minecraft store icon you’ll see there is now fresh purchases, these can be purchased with currency know as rubies which fun fact are still in the official coding for Minecraft to this day (they where going to be used as currency in the game before emeralds but removed because they looked far to much like redstone) Don’t worry this is NOT a pay to win situation continue reading below for more details.

Rubies can be collected over playing the game, the more you play the more you can earn (look top right) just below the compass you’ll see the ruby has been found in the tabbables which is the loot you find around your local neighbourhood. Lots more to come so stay tuned.
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