PLEASE READ before participating in the Minecraft Beta:
- Joining the beta will replace your game with a work in progress version of Minecraft
- You will not have access to Realms and will not be able to join non-beta players while you’re previewing the beta
- Any worlds played while in the beta cannot be opened in previous versions of the game so please make copies of worlds to prevent losing them
- Beta builds can be unstable and are not representative of final version quality
- The beta is available only on Xbox One, Windows 10, and Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see for detailed instructions
New Features:
- Introducing the Minecraft Character Creator
- Personalise your avatar in a number of ways, including body size and shape, limb replacement and tweaking of eyes, mouth, hairstyles and colours, facial hair and skin tones
- More than 100 items will be available for free. There will also be a range of custom accessories, created by the Minecraft team, available for purchase
- The Character Creator is currently available to beta testers, but will also roll out to Minecraft Earth, as well as all other Bedrock platforms like iOS and Nintendo Switch, once the beta has concluded
- Traditional custom skins can still be imported as before, on Windows 10 and mobile, using the following steps: Profile > Edit Character > Classic Skins tab > Owned > Import > Choose New Skin
- Crashes/Performance
- Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
- Fixed a crash that would occur after eating or drinking a single item (MCPE-51978)
- Fixed a crash related to the EvocationFang animation
- Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to apply a texture pack with a custom sized Cube Map
- Fixed a crash that could occur when being attacked by an Elder Guardian (MCPE-52026)
- Fixed a crash that could occur when losing an internet connection whilst downloading a Marketplace pack
- Made further optimisation improvements by removing unused vanilla textures
- Mob spawners and Cave Spiders will no longer show error logs and crash the game (MCPE-52008, MCPE-52273, MCPE-52282)
- General
- Fixed an issue that was preventing custom skins from being applied (MCPE-52102)
- Jillager now changes her profession correctly in the ‘Traveling Trader’ Marketplace map
- Added a new option in Accessibility settings that will allow users to not auto-enable Text-To-Speech when their platform has it enabled. This should prevent the screen reader from unexpectedly being enabled each time the player restarts the game (MCPE-43306)
- Free skins now roam between devices correctly again
- Gameplay
- Added Suspicious Stew trade to Farmer Villagers (MCPE-51215)
- Fixed an issue with crafting various tools that were missing in the recipe book
- Eating Chorus Fruit now teleports the player correctly again
- Mobs
- Fixed various mob head animations so they are facing the correct direction when sitting, sleeping or eating (MCPE-52251, MCPE-51216)
- Pillagers riding Ravagers now sit correctly while celebrating a Raid victory (MCPE-51266)
- Tweaked Drowned despawning rules, to help prevent too many being present in the world (MCPE-34032)
- Drowned will now despawn if the following conditions are met: the player is at least 54 blocks away, the Drowned has not performed any actions in at least 30 seconds, and it is day time
- Fixed Panda animation and leash positioning
- Blocks
- Barrier Blocks once again transmit Redstone correctly (MCPE-51816)
- Leaves destroyed by explosions no longer leave an invisible block behind
- Items
- Broken Elytra now have the correct texture again (MCPE-47758)
- Elytra once again loses durability through use
- Chorus Fruit is now back in the correct inventory tab
- Semi-transparent block items are no longer fully opaque (MCPE-51991)
- User Interface
- Book items show their descriptions again correctly when trading with a Librarian Villager (MCPE-51311)
- Fixed a bug that was preventing the chat history from being scrolled through
- Graphical
- Fixed the shading direction for clouds (MCPE-47814)
- The camera transition between standing and swimming is now smooth again
- Fixed an issue that could cause the UI to flicker when playing in a split-screen multiplayer game
- Leads attached to mobs no longer appear to be floating in the air (MCPE-51981)
- Commands
- Cauldrons now have the correct ‘fill_level’ data when placed with the ‘/setblock’ command
- Add-Ons and Script Engine
- The Ghast “look at player” behaviour is no longer hard coded
- Fixed an issue that meant entities with “minecraft:is_stackable” tag could push each other into and through full blocks
- Custom projectile entities can now have their physics defined in a pack, without having to override vanilla behaviours