Minecraft Playstation 4 the forgotten version of Minecraft, well it looks like the forgotten version is about to join the better together program also know as Minecraft Bedrock. Today we have been given official pictures of Minecraft PS4 Bedrock in local stores across America such as Walmart, Best Buy and others.
The first teasers about this came from Wildgamer during the Minecraft 1.13 Beta stage(Summer 2019) Clues, hints and little sneaky previews left in the coding which confused many Minecraft fans – It’s rumoured that Minecraft PS4 Bedrock was set to launch with 1.13 however that didn’t happen due to 1.13 being very unstable upon full release.
Today BestBuy listed a new “Minecraft PS4 version” this came with a detailed explanation that shows the game can be played and shared with Mobile, Xbox, switch & Windows 10. (This listing has recently been taken down but this was the URL https://www.bestbuy.com/site/minecraft-starter-collection-playstation-4/6390837.p?skuId=6390837

Minecraft Playstation 4 bedrock comes with 700 tokens which are known as Minecoins on every other bedrock platform, we are a little unsure as to why the word tokens are used on the PS4 version. (tbc)
Minecraft PS4 Bedrock will feature the LittleBigPlanet Mash-Up pack which is exclusive to this version only as 4j studios created this back when Minecraft Playstation 4 Edition was in it’s prime.
Below are official pictures coming row @RexWolfen (thankyou) who took these pictures on his visit to his Local Walmart store.

It’s expected that PS4 Edition to PS4 Bedrock will work the same way as Xbox One Edition did to Xbox One Bedrock. This means aslong as you have played Minecraft Playstation 4 Edition for 5 or more hours over the last 12 months you’ll be able to upgrade to Bedrock for FREE
Below is the FAQ about better together when Xbox One bedrock released