New 1.16 beta? but 1.16 is out? well today we have another version to focus on a few tweaks to piglins but also a whole range of bug fixes. This is great news for the bedrock community as we do have issues in the current 1.16.0 version, below are all the changes let us know what you think.

Minecraft Beta – (Xbox One/Windows 10/Android)
PLEASE READ before participating in the Minecraft Beta:
- Joining the beta will replace your game with a work in progress version of Minecraft
- You will not have access to Realms and will not be able to join non-beta players while you’re previewing the beta
- Any worlds played while in the beta cannot be opened in previous versions of the game so please make copies of worlds to prevent losing them
- Beta builds can be unstable and are not representative of final version quality
- The beta is available only on Xbox One, Windows 10, and Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see for detailed instructions
New Features
Piglin Brute
- Piglin Brutes are stronger versions of Piglins that live in bastion remnants and protect the treasures there
- Unlike their cowardly and greedy counterparts, the Piglin Brutes cannot be distracted by gold and aren’t afraid of anything
- Piglin Brutes attack players on sight, no matter how the player is dressed
- Piglin Brutes wield axes and don’t need any armor, because they’re just that tough!
- Baby pigs now despawn properly
- Dolphins, fish, and squid now spawn in bubble columns again MCPE-73967
- Mobs max spawn radius is now 44 blocks MCPE-79359
- Walls now connect to open trapdoors MCPE-79490
- Walls now connect to glass blocks MCPE-79483
- Breaking a Furnace will now drop the stored experience from smelting MCPE-71651
- Stem blocks now break again when the block below them is destroyed MCPE-79577
- Using Bonemeal on flowers or grass blocks no longer consumes the item if nothing can grow MCPE-73889
- Wither health bar no longer depletes to zero after half of the health is gone MCPE-79661
- Boats are no longer slowed down by objects with no collision MCPE-81316
- Ambience cave sounds are no longer played in marketplace content
- Slime blocks pushed by pistons launch players correctly again MCPE-62419
- Soul Campfires now emits correct light level MCPE-73890
- Climbing vines now emits sounds MCPE-69741
- Corrected sound for Nether Wart placement
- Placing or stepping on Warped or Crimson processed materials or planks now make wood sound MCPE-69029
- Hoglins no longer attack on peaceful mode when too close MCPE-71939
- Piglins can no longer naturally spawn on Shroomlight
- Tamed wolves no longer disappear when returning to overworld through a Nether portal
- Piglins now spawn on peaceful difficulty
- Netherite items no longer bounce on lava MCPE-65372
- Netherite armor now have a unique sound when equipped MCPE-69047
- Zoglins now have sounds distinct from pigs MCPE-73220
- Speed of credits roll is no longer dependant on framerate
- Using locate command to find a Ruined Portal will no longer return a placeholder text MCPE-79323
- Hyphae blocks now take as long as stem blocks to destroy MCPE-72045
- New Nether biomes, blocks and structures no longer generates into worlds with a fixed version MCPE-66357
- The tooltip ‘Open’ is no longer shown when looking at Piglins MCPE-79376
- Piglins arms are now behaving more like the players arms, and less like the zombies arms MCPE-74089
- Piglin killed with a single blow while admiring Gold Ingot now drops admired the Gold Ingot
- Fixed issues around duplicating items, when reloading a world while Piglin is admiring an item
- Netherite items in lava no longer disappear when reloading world MCPE-70774
- Updated Piglin geometry and entity files, fixed issue with scaling carried item for baby humanoid mobs
- Quartz Block can no longer be created from Chiseled Quartz Block and Pillar Quartz Block in a Furnace
- Quartz Bricks can no longer be crafted from anything but Quartz Blocks on the Stonecutter
- Target Block’s zones for particular redstone signal strength are no longer misplaced because of old Arrow Geometry
- We no longer try to draw Netherite in the Beacon UI
- Setting Soul Sand on fire no longer produces a placeholder Soul Fire block on Pre Nether version locked content
- Piglin no longer drops up to a full stack of Gold Ingots upon giving him one by right-clicking and reloading a world while he is admiring it, instead it drops something from its loot table
- Piglins no longer pick up entire stacks of Gold MCPE-76080
- Wither boss bar now reappears when returning from other dimension
- Piglin no longer spawn with enchanted gear
- Husks now prefer Iron armour over Chain armour
- Player can no longer interact with Piglin babies
- Fixed recipes when crafting a barrel from Warped or Crimson slab
- Updated Piglin geometry and entity files, fixed issue with scaling carried item for baby humanoid mobs