We might not have been given a Minecraft Java Snapshot this week but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a beta, released for Android, Windows 10 and Xbox is the Beta version which comes with a new ore Copper! below are all the changes but remember to report the bugs you find! https://bugs.mojang.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa

PLEASE READ before participating in the Minecraft Beta:
- Joining the beta will replace your game with a work in progress version of Minecraft
- You will not have access to Realms and will not be able to join non-beta players while you’re previewing the beta
- Any worlds played while in the beta cannot be opened in previous versions of the game so please make copies of worlds to prevent losing them
- Beta builds can be unstable and are not representative of final version quality
- The beta is available only on Xbox One, Windows 10, and Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see aka.ms/JoinMCBeta for detailed instructions
New Experimental Features:
In this week’s beta we have some more Caves and Cliffs features that are accessible by enabling the “Experimental Features” toggle on your worlds. (You can find out more about using the toggles at aka.ms/MCExperimentalToggle.) Please remember these features are not yet complete as they are work in progress. You can leave us your feedback for these features in the threads at aka.ms/CavesCliffsFeedback, and search and reports any new bugs you may encounter at bugs.mojang.com.
- Added copper ore to world generation
- Added copper ingots, which can be obtained by smelting copper ore in a furnace
- Added copper blocks
- Copper blocks can be crafted from copper Ingots
- Copper, cut copper, cut copper stairs, and cut copper slabs exist in the game and can be accessed from the creative items inventory
- Cut copper blocks can be crafted from copper blocks
- Copper blocks, slabs, and stairs can now oxidize to various degrees
- Copper blocks have dedicated sounds when interacted with
- Copper blocks, stairs, and slabs that are not fully oxidized can be waxed either by using a honeycomb item on them, by using the crafting grid, or by using a dispenser loaded with honeycombs
- Drowned drop copper ingots instead of gold ingots
Lightning Rod
- Added lightning rods!
- Lightning rods can be crafted using copper ingots in a crafting table
- The lightning rod now interacts with lightning strikes:
- All lightning strikes that happen within a radius of 64 blocks from a lightning rod will strike the lightning rod
- Throwing a channeling trident at a lightning rod during a thunderstorm will spawn a lightning strike in the rod
- A lightning rod struck by lightning will emit a full redstone signal for 8 game ticks
Bug Fixes
- Keyboard inputs can now adjust slider settings when the cursor is outside the UI frame
- Screen Reader now informs the player when the “Chat Settings” menu has been opened
- Fixed a bug where UI screen reader did not read the permission toggles’ titles on the Permissions Screen
- Screen Reader now reads Whisper and Announcement messages
Performance and Stability
- Improved the smoothness of UI transition animations (MCPE-41772)
- Improved performance for actors using TemptGoal
- Fixed an issue that preventing player interaction after using the ‘/clone’ command on a double chest block (MCPE-109119)
- Using the ‘/clone’ command to clone a block of the same type is no longer treated as a failed operation (MCPE-83352)
- Fixed players taking fall damage when opening Shulker Boxes (MCPE-105490)
- Nether Brick now gives XP from being smelted (MCPE-100030)
- All mobs that use a melee attack have had their ability to hit targets above and below them restored
- The target still must be within melee attack distance to be hit
- This only affects world versions greater than or equal to 1.16.210
- Redstone Dust is now displayed as “Redstone Dust” instead of “Redstone”
Graphical and User Interface
- Tool and armor recipes now display the selected item background when selected in the recipe list
- Wireframe of a structure block in the Overworld will no longer render in Nether and The End (MCPE-75231)
- Audio sliders will now always highlight when hovered over with a mouse
- Durability bar is now visible when holding items with decreased durability in a window (MCPE-105893)
- Added more helpful Video Settings messages for ray tracing on supported and non-supported platforms
Structure block
- Structure blocks no longer auto-save the data when structure name text box is deselected (MCPE-101055)
- The scoreboard data of an entity is no longer removed if the entity is being teleported to an unloaded area of the world
- Teleporting away from a structure animation to unload it no longer causes the game to crash
Commands, Scripting, and Add-ons
- A warning now appears when attempting to move a locked item in and from containers
Known Issues:
- Game ticks don’t affect blocks changing states – this issue means that crops will not grow without bone meal, and grass will not spread etc. – we aim to have this resolved for the next beta update!
- Loading a Structure block that contains a sculk sensor may cause the game to crash (MCPE-115443)
source: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/360055750032