PLEASE READ before participating in the Minecraft Beta:
- Joining the beta will replace your game with a work in progress version of Minecraft
- You will not have access to Realms and will not be able to join non-beta players while you’re previewing the beta
- Any worlds played while in the beta cannot be opened in previous versions of the game so please make copies of worlds to prevent losing them
- Beta builds can be unstable and are not representative of final version quality
- The beta is available only on Xbox One, Windows 10, and Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see for detailed instructions

We have another Bedrock Beta update today, and we’ve fixed a bunch of bugs!
Please send us your feedback in the threads at, and search and report any new bugs you may encounter at
Features and Bug Fixes
Stability and Performance
- Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
- Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur when downloading large Marketplace worlds
- Text to Speech now correctly reads item names in the inventory
- Inventory grid slots are no longer double counted for Text to Speech focus controls
- Light blocks are now visible when holding another, and also show brightness value (MCPE-123249)
- Fixed Light Block not being removed when left-clicking it while holding a Light Block (MCPE-123258)
- Fixed Light Block brightness not being adjustable when right-clicking it (MCPE-123387)
- Fixed Light Block hitbox issue (MCPE-135277)
- Fixed Barrier Block being destructible whilst not holding a Barrier Block
- Boats now disappear from inventory correctly after placing it on water in Survival mode (MCPE-136445)
User Interface
- Text to Speech for chat setting once again correctly narrates chat messages (MCPE-129901)
- Sidebar strings are now localized properly when a new language is loaded or the current language changes
- Updated the Achievements button and moved from the Profile screen to the Main Menu and Pause screens
- Enabled new achievements screens for VR (not including PSVR)
Vanilla Parity
- Eating Chorus Fruit while gliding no longer deals fall damage to the player (MCPE-112621)
- Fixed an animation parity issue with Skeletons not using both arms to hold their Bows (MCPE-670)
- Fixed an issue where mobs would sometimes render with incorrect geometry when viewed from the Structure Block preview window (MCPE-95183)
- Experimental Features: Wither can now be spawned on negative heights (MCPE-125270)
- Ghasts no longer spawn in less than 5x4x5 area (MCPE-133687)
- Magma Cubes no longer spawn in less than 3x3x2 area (MCPE-46540)
- Medium Magma Cubes now have a larger hitbox (MCPE-132159)
- Shulker boxes now remain in Dispensers when dispensed at world limit (MCPE-130085)
- Unicode font now correctly highlights on Signs with glowing text (MCPE-130072)
- Waterlogged blocks no longer occasionally turn into ghost blocks (MCPE-136537)
- Pumpkins placed facing South, East, or West now can now be used to trade with Villagers if they were mined with Silk Touch tools (MCPE-105540)
- More Candles can no longer be added to Candles placed without any support block (MCPE-130810)
- Sky no longer renders through walls of a large enclosed area when using fog
Technical Updates
EDU / Chemistry
- New chemistry material reductions can be defined in the JSON files
- Chalkboards now appear consistently when being placed
- The ‘/clone’ command now copies signal strength for Levers and Redstone Dust
- The ‘/structure’ command can now specify a <to: x y z> position argument with y below 0 as long as it is equal or above the minimum height for that dimension
- Added functionality for Intellisense options: “d” and “default” in the gamemode command selector
- Minecart with Command Block can now use the self selector (@s) in its commands to target itself (MCPE-60126)
- The “/time set” command now sets the correct time and day when specifying a time above 24000 or below the current time (e.g. “/time set 0” sets the day to 0, “/time set 28000” sets the day to 1), and “/time” can now set or add to a negative world time (MCPE-43394)
- Updated documentation formatting for item components
- Using water buckets to collect fish has been version locked to prevent breaking old world templates
- Fixed the ability to add launch point positional offset for projectiles spawned with the ‘spawn_entity’ component
- Fixed the ability to add angular offset to launch vector for projectiles spawned with the ‘spawn_entity’ component
- Fixed offset not working for projectiles summoned through an interaction
- Fixed projectile ‘angleoffset’ value only reflected if shooter is riding another entity
- Fixed rotation of projectile launchpoint around a mob when projectile offset specified
- Fixed ‘query.item_remaining_use_duration’ having improperly scaled or inverted results (This is to fix a Versioned Change as of engine version 1.17.30)
- Added ‘query.facing_target_to_range_attack’, which returns whether or not the queried actor’s ‘minecraft:behavior.ranged_attack’ goal is currently running
Molang Documentation
- Improved Molang documentation related to experiments
- Experimental queries and language expressions now list which experiment(s) they require to be available
- Versioned Changes are now detailed in the documentation, starting with the ‘query.item_remaining_use_duration’ fix