PLEASE READ before participating in the Minecraft Beta:
- Joining the beta will replace your game with a work-in-progress version of Minecraft
- You will not have access to Realms and will not be able to join non-beta players while you’re previewing the beta
- Any worlds played while in the beta cannot be opened in previous versions of the game, so please make copies of worlds to prevent losing them
- Beta builds can be unstable and are not representative of final version quality
- The beta is available only on Xbox, Windows, and Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see for detailed instructions

Here’s a list of what is new in this week’s Beta! Please leave us any specific feedback or suggestions in the thread at, and as always please search and report any bugs you may find at
Experimental Features
- Frogs no longer eat Goats! (MCPE-151536)
Features and Bug Fixes
- Cocoa Pods placed on chunk borders don’t break anymore upon reloading the World (MCPE-67479)
- Structure Block structures now correctly transform (rotate and/or mirror) multiface blocks (e.g. Glow Lichen)
- Fixed Observer block retaining its lit state while in the inventory if destroyed while blinking (MCPE-114173)
- Fixed a bug where Paintings could overlap with Glow Item Frames, Signs, Banners, and Torches
- Pillager Outposts now spawn the correct number of Pillagers and Golems (MCPE-141499)
- Boats will no longer disappear when getting out of them after a long ride (MCPE-108568)
- Boat oars now have the same color as the Boat (MCPE-150492)
- Untamed Cats can now be leashed
- Guardians and Elder Guardians no longer sink while targeting an enemy or the player
User Interface
- The Construction tab on the inventory screen now has the correct color when using Pocket UI
- Fixed an issue with missing Inventory slots when using Pocket UI (MCPE-151545)
- Fixed an issue with blank inventory slots in the creative inventory, which could cause interaction issues in the world (MCPE-151506)
World Generation
- Chests and Monster Spawners now spawn correctly in structures (MCPE-23416) (MCPE-48622) (MCPE-97295)
Technical Updates
Stability and Performance
- Reduced memory and load times for ticking areas
GameTest Framework (Experimental)
- Added function setVelocity(velocity: Vector): bool- Sets the velocity of this entity
- Added property viewVector: Vector- Represents the direction that the entity is looking, as a vector
- Added property headLocation: Location- Represents the location of the head of the entity
- Added property bodyRotation: number- Represents the body rotation of the entity as a float (in degrees)
- Fixed a bug where animation events, sound effect events, and particle events would not trigger if the event time specified was equal to the total “animation_length”
- Fixed an issue where event times were not considered within the animation length calculation that happens when “animation_length” is not explicitly specified
- Fixed an issue that caused format_versions that are declared as numerical values rather than strings to be parsed properly
- When creating a flat world from a template that has a base game version from before the Caves and Cliffs update, the layers will no longer be 64 blocks in the air
- Added alland query.any to check if a value matches all or any of the following values
- Added in_rangeto check if a value is in the (inclusive) range between a min and max value
- Added query.in_range to check if a value is in the (inclusive) range between a min and max value