Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.19.83 (Hotfix)

17th May 2023
Bedrock News
56 2

Posted: May 17, 2023

A new update has been released to address some issues that were introduced with the 1.19.80 update.

Please continue to upvote and report any new bugs at bugs.mojang.com and leave us your feedback at feedback.minecraft.net!


  • Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
  • The inventory cursor no longer snaps to a random spot when flicking the left thumbstick (MCPE-169176)
  • Fixed custom textures that override ‘minecraft’ blocks with aux metadata as a list of textures
  • Several fixes to custom spawn eggs (MCPE-170184)
    • Re-enabled use of aux value to refer to custom eggs in commands for game versions 1.19.80 and beyond, eg. “/give @s spawn_egg 1 654”
    • Re-enabled use of Molang queries for the item’s data field in recipes for game versions 1.19.80 and beyond, eg. { “item”: “spawn_egg”, “data”: “query.get_actor_info_id(‘namespace:actor’)” }
    • Re-enabled use of “set_actor_id” in loot tables when refering to custom spawn eggs for game versions 1.19.80 and beyond

source: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/15837147699853-Minecraft-1-19-83-Bedrock-

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