Minecraft Bedrock Edition Beta & Preview:

4th September 2024
Bedrock News
37 5

Posted: 4th September 2024

Information on Minecraft Preview and Beta:

  • These work-in-progress versions can be unstable and may not be representative of final version quality
  • Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, PlayStation, Windows, and iOS devices. More information can be found at aka.ms/PreviewFAQ
  • The beta is available on Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see aka.ms/JoinMCBeta for detailed instructions

It’s time for a new Minecraft Preview and Beta! We’d love your feedback on bundles, so please let us know what you think at https://aka.ms/mcbundlesfeedback , and report any bugs at bugs.mojang.com .

Known Issue: In this Beta and Preview, you might spot some graphical rendering issues. Our team is on it and we aim to have this sorted out soon. Thanks for your patience!

Experimental Features


  • The “Use” button hint is now shown when a Bundle is selected in the hotbar and using a game controller input (MCPE-185504)
    • Using this button throws items out of the Bundle
  • Bundles now display the bar showing their fullness level when placed in the hotbar
  • Using a Bundle from the hotbar now plays a sound and triggers an animation when emptying items (MCPE-185460)
  • Bundle tooltip placement now takes Screen Safe Area into account 
  • When a Bundle is used in the hotbar, one group of items is emptied at a time instead of everything being emptied at once
  • The “Clear Hotbar” button hint is now shown when hovering the cursor over a Bundle, with the “Clear Hotbar” toggle enabled and using a game controller (MCPE-185504)
  • The “Swap” button hint is now shown when hovering an item over another item with a game controller
  • The “Place” button hint is now shown on all screens when holding an item on the cursor with a game controller

Features and Bug Fixes

  • Made a change on Nintendo Switch which may help neighboring chunks to load quicker when player has maximum framerate set (MCPE-120971)


  • Vines placed with commands are now visible (MCPE-131854)
  • “mushroom_stem” is now its own block and is no longer a variant of “red_mushroom_block” and “brown_mushroom_block” 
  • “skull” has been split into 7 unique instances: “skeleton_skull”, “wither_skeleton_skull”, “zombie_head”, “player_head”, “creeper_head”, “dragon_head”, “piglin_head”


  • Game rule ShowRecipeMessages is no longer considered a cheat (MCPE-177299
  • Added the ‘entity_offset’ parameter to the camera command


  • Wind Charges can’t be hit and redirected shortly after throwing them 
  • Interacting with a Bed now sets it as the respawn point regardless of nearby enemies (MCPE-152134)
  • Players hitting the edge of the generated world will keep their velocity. Example: While flying with the Elytra, the player will stay floating instead of looing all speed instantly



  • Polar bear now drops Cooked Fish when killed by fire or lava (MCPE-122488)
  • Pillager’s ‘celebrate3’ sound now works (MCPE-121058)
  • Wolves, Cats, and Parrots trying to catch up to their owner now seamlessly resume navigation after teleporting to them
  • Wolves, Cats, and Parrots now teleport to their owner when panicking and far enough away
  • Wolves now teleport to their owner when in a fight and far enough away, preventing them from being left behind (MCPE-151765)


  • Added a new Realm Event. Can you discover it?
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent activation of addon for a Realm via Marketplace

User Interface

  • Hint about dismounting an entity no longer appears when changing dimensions and re-entering the world (MCPE-182876)
  • Armor HUD now updates properly when the player’s equipped armor breaks (MCPE-103592
  • Fixed a bug where the close button subpanel in the Stonecutter panel was empty instead of hidden while using controller
  • Added a new message to explain when a Marketplace Template is not available on a specific platform
  • Aligned the hunger and health bars with the experience bar in Classic UI on mobile devices (MCPE-177192)
  • Air bubbles now line up properly with hunger bar (MCPE-185268)
  • Position of player paper doll in the UI is now consistent between Classic and Pocket UI settings (MCPE-57498)
  • Potions with percentage-based effects now show the percentage sign correctly on their tooltips (on mobile devices) (MCPE-28531)
  • When dying by the thorns of a Guardian, the death message now reads “‘Player’ was killed trying to hurt ‘Mob'” (MCPE-114752)
  • Chat messages no longer overlap with one pixel (MCPE-119761)
  • Item text no longer jumps up when looking at a non-interactable entity (MCPE-161140
  • Close and help button visuals for Smithing Table and Loom changed to match visuals for Cartography Table (MCPE-166008)
  • “Hide Controller Hints” now properly hides all control hints in the Villager trading menu (MCPE-167134)

Vanilla Parity

  • Creepers now drop a Music Disc upon being killed by a Bogged (MCPE-179008)
  • Bogged now drops Poison Arrows when killed by Mobs tamed by a Player
  • Dyeing Sheep and collars on Cats and Dogs now plays the dyeing sound as in Java Edition (MCPE-150684)
  • Mushroom Stems used on the Composter have had their fill chance adjusted from 85% to 65% 
  • The all-sided pore mushroom block has been removed from the creative inventory
  • Enchanted Golden Apples now give Regeneration II instead of Regeneration V, matching Java Edition (MCPE-103061)
  • Added infinite duration option to Effect command. /effect <player: target> <effect: Effect> infinite [amplifier: int] [hideParticles: Boolean]
  • Added specific effect removal option to Effect command. /effect <player: target> clear <effect: Effect>
  • Placing Cocoa Beans now plays a sound (MCPE-49126)
  • Beehive and Bee Nest can no longer be used as fuel in Furnaces (MCPE-128393


  • Piglins will no longer pick up and admire Powered Rail items (MCPE-91187

Technical Updates

Add-Ons and Script Engine

  • Fixed a bug where using “bone_visibility” for a block geometry would cause the “item_display_transforms” not to be applied properly (MCPE-185868)
  • Fixed issue which prevented the new 1.21.30 trade table format from loading in-game 


  • ItemStack
    • Fixed method ItemStack.getComponents from returning components that are unsupported in the current @minecraft/server version 
  • Fixed issue where invalid ModalFormData would never reject or resolve its promise (MCPE-178148
  • BlockLiquidContainerComponents API (water, lava, potion, snow) have been removed from beta
  • BlockFluidContainerComponent API has been added to beta, replacing the BlockLiquidContainerComponents
  • Moved isHardcore from beta to 1.15.0


  • Added new overloads for the schedule command which allows you to clear a queued function
    • /schedule clear <function name> – Clears all queued functions matching the given name
    • /schedule on_area_loaded clear function <function name> – Clears all queued functions that are scheduled as on_area_load by name
    • /schedule on_area_loaded clear tickingarea <tickingarea name> [function name] – Clears all queued functions that are scheduled as on_area_load by ticking area name (and optionally also checks function name too)


  • The “restriction_type” field has been added to the “minecraft:home” component, allowing to define how an entity is restricted to its home position:
    • Its values are:
      • “none”, which poses no restriction
      • “random_movement”, which restricts randomized movement around the home position
      • “all_movement”, which restricts any kind of movement around the home position
    • The “all_movement” value is currently in [Beta] and is planned to be fully released at a later date
    • Entities that have moved too far from their home will always be able to move closer to it if prompted
    • The radius of the restriction is still specified with “restriction_radius”
    • Entities with a format version prior to 1.21.40 will be upgraded to use the new field in a way that preserves their existing behavior
  • Added the “minecraft:dimension_bound” component, which prevents entities from changing dimension through portals
    • In Vanilla content, this is used by the Ender Dragon, the Fishing Hook, and some projectiles
  • Added the “minecraft:transient” component, entities with this component will never be saved. In Vanilla content, this is currently used for the Fishing Hook 


  • Added block picking for the current block palette on middle mouse click
  • Added custom block textures to now support in block images
  • Added resource access protocol “block://<block_name>” to retrieve block images 
  • Added new API interface IStatusBar to manage IStatusBarItem objects. It can be accessed from statusBar property on IPlayerUISession.
    • Added IStatusBarItemCreationParams for status bar item initialization
    • Removed text property from IStatusBarItem in favor of getText and setText functions. Added localization support for text content
    • Renamed EditorStatusBarAlignment to StatusBarAlignment
  • Renamed ‘Input Mapping’ to ‘Keyboard Settings’ action bar item and improved modal panel visuals 
  • Fixed a bug related to losing the block palette setting of simple blocks in hotbar between suspend/resume of application 
  • Fixed a bug where Quick Start panel visibility was not persisted correctly
  • Fixed a bug so the hotbar fills with a list of default blocks rather than all air when creating a new editor world

Entity Components

  • “behavior.fire_at_target” is no longer usable if it is missing a projectile definition and will now throw a content error if so

Entity Event Responses

  • Added the “execute_event_on_home_block” entity event response, which allows the entity to execute an event on the block at its home position
    • The “event” field allows to specify the event to execute
    • For this to work properly, the entity must have a “minecraft:home” component with a set home position


  • Made the following changes to ‘minecraft:single_block_feature’
    • ‘places_block’ now supports a list of weighted block specifiers
    • New ‘randomize_rotation’ property
    • New ‘may_not_attach_to’ placement conditions
    • Added ‘diagonal’ as a new option for ‘may_attach_to’ conditions
    • File format version increased to 1.21.40


  • Fixed bug where the tessellation of Redstone dust does not match the powered state of the dust for the following blocks:
    • minecraft:*_slab
    • minecraft:chain
    • minecraft:chorus_flower
    • minecraft:chorus_plant
    • minecraft:farmland
    • minecraft:grass_path
    • minecraft:heavy_core
    • minecraft:jigsaw
    • minecraft:sea_lantern
    • minecraft:sniffer_egg
    • minecraft:structure_block


  • Molang queries “wing_flap_position” and “wing_flap_speed” now work for the Chicken 

Resource and Behavior Packs

  • Built-in packs now include archive files for improved load performance on some platforms 

Stability and Performance

  • Increased the size of biome ids in saved chunk data from 8 bit to 16 bit values
  • Fixed a bug where extremely fast moving entities would cause the game to crash. Entities can now no longer move more than 16 blocks in a single tick. (For reference, an entity with Speed 255 will move ~11 blocks in a single tick.)
  • Game will no longer crash when loading a world near an End City

Experimental Technical Updates


  • Moved EntityBreathableComponent from beta to 1.15.0
    • Moved breathesAir from beta to 1.15.0
    • Moved breathesLava from beta to 1.15.0
    • Moved breathesSolids from beta to 1.15.0
    • Moved breathesWater from beta to 1.15.0
    • Moved generatesBubbles from beta to 1.15.0
    • Moved inhaleTime from beta to 1.15.0
    • Moved suffocateTime from beta to 1.15.0
    • Moved totalSupply from beta to 1.15.0
    • Moved componentId from beta to 1.15.0
    • Moved getBreatheBlocks() from beta to 1.15.0
    • Moved getNonBreatheBlocks() from beta to 1.15.0
  • Moved class BlockLocationIterator from beta to 1.15.0
  • Moved class InvalidIteratorError from beta to 1.15.0
  • Moved property BlockVolumeBase.getBlockLocationIterator from beta to 1.15.0
  • Moved enum BlockVolumeIntersection from beta to 1.15.0 
  • Moved class BlockVolume from beta to 1.15.0
  • Added the DyeableItemComponent to beta 


  • Fixed an issue where rider_rotation_lock of minecraft:rideable had no effect when using the minecraft:follow_orbit camera
  • Added minecraft:camera_attach_to_player to minecraft:follow_orbit
  • Added align_target_and_camera_forward option to the camera preset behavior pack JSON which can be used when the third person camera preset experiment is enabled
  • 3rd person camera experiment – The radius property of the creator cameras is now constrained to a value between 0.1 and 100 
  • Third person boom camera will now reset to the starting rotation values specified in json when the ‘default’ parameter is passed in the camera command


  • Removed the dark aura around the moon in the Deferred Technical Preview

source: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/29937458432397-Minecraft-Beta-Preview-1-21-40-20

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