Posted: 11 January, 2023
Information on the Minecraft Preview and Beta:
- These work-in-progress versions can be unstable and may not be representative of final version quality
- Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, Windows 10/11, and iOS devices. More information can be found at
- The beta is available on Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see for detailed instructions
Here’s a list of what is new in this week’s Minecraft Preview and Beta! Remember to send us all your feedback at and report any bugs to
Experimental Features
Hanging Sign
- Placing a Hanging Sign under an axis-aligned Hanging Sign with V-shaped chains will now result in a Hanging Sign with double chains, if the player is not sneaking
Features and Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug causing players to not wake up when teleported while sleeping (MCPE-162346)
- Fixed an issue where the “Inception” achievement would not be awarded
- The UI no longer flickers on Android when the keyboard pops up (MCPE-142356)
- Highlight selection no longer highlights entire card for transparent objects like saplings
- V-sync settings are properly configured in options (non-ARM devices) (MCPE-110006)
- Resource packs will now be applied to the worlds after navigating to another screen before creation
- Fixed an issue where some resource packs prompted the user with an error after being downloaded
Performance and Stability
- Fixed a potential crash when gliding through an End Gateway
- The game no longer crashes when killing an entity with invalid conditions, functions, or pools entries in its loot table (MCPE-164623)
Vanilla Parity
- Levers now produce the same sound effect as Stone Buttons (MCPE-163335)
Touch Controls
- Fixed the stack splitting feature in non-touch mode
Technical Updates
- Fix text being slightly off-centered to the left for Furnace, Blast Furnace, and Smoker Screen UIs (MCPE-151597)
User Interface
- Resource packs will now be applied to the world after navigating to another screen before creation
- Fixed an issue where some resource packs prompted an error after being downloaded
Experimental Technical Features
- RawMessage
- Changed the signature of property withfrom (string[] | RawMessage)[]? to (string[] | RawMessage)?
- Changed the signature of property withfrom (string[] | RawMessage)[]? to (string[] | RawMessage)?
- EntityHealthComponent
- Fixed a bug where health could be modified on dead entities (MCPE-130687)
- Scoreboard
- Added setScore(ScoreboardObjective, ScoreboardIdentity, Number)
- Added getScore(ScoreboardObjective, ScoreboardIdentity)
- ScoreboardObjective
- Added setScore(ScoreboardIdentity, Number)
- Added getScore(ScoreboardIdentity)
- Added removeParticipant(ScoreboardIdentity)
- ScoreboardIdentity
- Added setScore(ScoreboardObjective, Number)
- Added getScore(ScoreboardObjective)
- Added removeFromObjective(ScoreboardObjective)
- Reverted an experimental change to animation controller command deferral within the “Upcoming Creator Features” experiment
- Release BlockPlacementFilterComponent outside of experimental toggle in JSON formats 1.19.60 and higher