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Console Aspects aims to fix the differences between Bedrock and Legacy Console Edition. This includes water, explosion particles, sounds, skeletons, zombie pigmen, block and item names, and many other things. It's great if you're a Legacy Console Edition player who wants to play Bedrock Edition but dislikes the visuals of the version.
Changelog, Credits, Feature List, and Command List text documents are located in the resource pack folder. The Changelog lists every tiny technical change. The Credits document gives credit to everyone who contributed features to the pack. The Feature List is a full list of every change the pack makes in-game. The Command List is a list of extra command functionality added by Console Aspects. You can contribute to the pack if you want; just send me a direct message on Twitter.
You can switch between the new and old textures using the pack settings slider. However, you have to apply Console Aspects above the Classic Textures resource pack from the Marketplace for Classic Textures to work correctly.
Console Aspects can also be set to "Updated Textures" mode, which brings Console Aspects in-line with the latest texture, sound, and language changes from Bedrock and Java Edition. Experience Minecraft like it's Legacy Console Edition without feeling held back in the past.
To use Console Aspects with a different texture pack, set Console Aspects to Compatibility Mode using the subpack slider and put it below the other pack.
Detailed Feature Lists:
Features marked by * are only in the Fidelity version of Console Aspects.
- Light, warm color grading across the whole game
- Fog colors and distances (Overworld and Underwater)
- End sky color
- Light source shading (such as Glowstone)
- Brighter enchantment glint
- Lighter block breaking animation
- Removed random block rotation
- Bed and shulker box texture gamma
- Piston arm textures
- Seagrass texture brightness
- Kelp color
- Nether Brick brightness
- Old Scaffolding textures
- Cartography Table textures
- Ender Chest textures
- Stripped Spruce Log Side texture
- Distant Leaves, Grass, and Fern colors
- Carried Leaves colors
- Snowy Grass Block side texture
- Smooth Grass Block side biome transitions
- Carried Grass Block top color
- Correct Nether Reactor textures
Block Animations:
- Animations from before Update Aquatic do not fade between frames
- Faster Lava and Magma Block
- Shield texture
- Old Armor textures
- Old Potion colors
- Old Tipped Arrow colors
- Spawn Cat, Panda, and Wandering Trader textures
- Better held End Portal and Gateway
- Separated llama decorations
- 2D Fishing Hook
- 2D Firework Rocket
- Cat and Ocelot model
- Cow and Pig models
- Separated Pig saddle
- Witch model
- Wither barrier texture
- Pillager height
- Vindicator texture
- Invisible phantom texture
- Enderman height
- Shulker size
- Shulker Bullet transparency
- Ghast shooting texture
- Zombie Pigman model
- Piglin helmet position
- Zombie Villager helmet position
- Villager models
- Consistent Glow Squid and Blaze lighting
Entity Animations:
- Empty hand attacking
- *Held item position and size (first and third person)
- Crouching position
- Swimming and crawling animations
- Shield blocking animation
- Aiming animations
- Idle arm position and animation
- Cape animation and position
- Elytra animations
- Zombie attacking
- Creeper exploding white overlay
- Enderman shaking animation
- Skeleton idle arm position
- Skeleton bow aiming
- Witch nose position and bobbing
- Vindicator, zombie pigman, and zombie villager offhand item position
- Wolf tail alignment
- Villager held item position and leg movement speed
- Villager visual trading emerald above head
- Tropical fish flopping rotation speed
- End crystal animation
- Armor stand riposte pose
- Hurt entity overlays
- Removed blinking
- Empty hand alignment
- Experience bar textures
- *Item durability bar colors
- Hotbar height and transparency
- Solid white crosshair
- Pink boss bar and name
- Highlighted inventory slot color
- Empty equipment slot textures
- *3D Chest icons
- *Lightning Rod and End Rod icons
- *Conduit and Beacon icons
- *Decorated Pot shading
- Inventory tab icons
- Inventory cursor wrapping behavior
- Hover text outline texture
- Potion effect background texture
- Locked trades can be highlighted
- White Jukebox text
- HUD item name position
- Cartography table "Lock Map" texture
- Bedrock Edition subtitle texture
- Controller tooltip textures from Console Edition
- Main menu panorama
- Half armor HUD texture
- Removed chat message censoring
- Removed command item/block previews
- Removed vignette
- Removed HUD text and tooltip backgrounds and added shadows
- Removed coordinate background
- Removed flying items when quickly moving items in inventories
- Removed "New" and "Sale!" marketplace notifications
- Removed Marketplace button advertisements
- Removed debug text
- Constant music
- Louder music
- Unique Pufferfish sounds
- Unique Wither Skeleton sounds
- Distant Ghast sounds
- Unique Armor Stand placing/breaking sounds
- Bee Nest and Hive use wood sounds
- Bone Block uses stone sounds
- Chorus Plants use wood sounds
- Netherrack and Nether Quartz Ore use stone sounds
- Nether Brick blocks and Nether Wart plants use stone sounds
- Nether Wart Block uses wood sounds
- Soul Sand uses sand sounds
- Vines use grass sounds
- Crops use planting sounds
- Block/entity sound pitches and volumes are more consistent
- Explosion sound pitch
- Menu interaction sounds
- Level Up jingle
- Piston extending/retracting pitch
- Rain ambience volume
- Swimming sound variety
- Splashing sounds
- Cauldron filling sounds
- Bell volume
- Campfire crackling
- Crossbow sounds
- Trident throwing pitch
- Picking up and dropping item pitches
- Equipping armor sound
- Fish death sounds
- Ender Dragon death pitch
- Skeleton hurt and death sounds
- Zombie converts to Drowned sound
- Horse whinny sound
- Thorns enchantment sound
- Fletcher villager works at fletching table
- Toolsmith villager works at smithing table
- Survival and Menu music can play in Creative
- Underwater music does not play
- Music plays in Warped Forests
- Dragon and End music play interchangeably
- Credits song doesn't play
- Dog plays after the Cat music disc ends
- Music newer than Console Edition only plays in new biomes
- Removed Nether Wastes ambience
- Removed jumping sounds
- Removed bone meal sounds
- Java sound event command compatibility (see the Command List)
- Particle rotation
- Explosion particle textures
- Unique Splash Potion of Healing and Harming textures
- Totem of Undying particle amount
- Eating particle amount
- Darker breaking and walking particles
- Chest and ender chest breaking
- Tool breaking particle amount
- Item frame breaking particle textures
- Critical hit particle colors
- Ender Dragon death particle amount
- Bubble column splashing particle color
- Damage indicator particle (commands only)
- Zombified Piglin is "Zombie Pigman"
- Grass is "Tall Grass"
- Double Tallgrass is "Double Tall Grass"
- Dirt Path is "Grass Path"
- [Type] Mushroom is "Mushroom"
- [Type] Mushroom Block is "Mushroom"
- Cooked Beef is "Steak"
- [Type] Stairs is "[Type] Wood Stairs"
- [Type] Slab is "[Type] Wood Slab"
- Top Snow is "Snow"
- Nether Brick Block is "Nether Brick"
- Block of Lapis Lazuli is "Lapis Lazuli Block"
- Infested [Type] is "Silverfish [Type]"
- Jack o'Lantern is "Jack-O-Lantern"
- Redstone Dust is "Redstone"
- Mega Taiga is "Redwood Taiga"
- Beta!!! is "Beta!"
- Edit Character is "Change Skin"
- Position: [X], [Y], [Z] is "X: [X], Y: [Y], Z: [Z]"
- Bed is too far away is "You may not rest now, the bed is too far away"
- Unobtainable blocks and items have English names instead of identifiers
- Item group names are more accurate
- Menu names are changed to match Console Edition
- Removed "leave vehicle" messages
- Removed Raid victory and defeat messages
- Banner pattern textures
- Unobtainable block textures
- Splash texts (including Gary Banner!)
- Grass Block and Path side textures
- Crafting Table side textures
- Old ore textures
- Emerald Block texture
- Quartz Block textures
- Oak and Iron Door textures
- Nether Wart Block texture
- Cactus side texture
- Purpur Pillar top texture
- Old sign textures
- Painting back texture
- Lectern base texture
- Dark Oak Log top texture
- Stripped Dark Oak Log side texture
- Red and Blue Stained Glass textures
- Glass Pane top texture
- Barrel bottom texture
- Fully-grown Carrot crop texture
- Pumpkin top texture
- Brewing top texture
- End Portal Frame side texture
- Smoker bottom texture
- Growing Cocoa Beans textures
- Activated Comparator top texture
- Updated old Stonecutter textures
- Filled and Locked Map textures
- Potion colors
- Tipped Arrow colors
- Old Clock textures
- Old Compass textures
- Diamond Helmet, Leggings, Boots, Sword, Axe, Shovel, Pickaxe, and Hoe textures
- Golden Armor, Pickaxe, and Hoe textures
- Wooden Pickaxe and Hoe textures
- Horse Armor textures
- Emerald texture
- Cake texture
- Snowball texture
- Phantom Membrane texture
- Sugar Cane texture
- Old Boat and Door item textures
- Campfire texture
- Item Frame texture
- Beetroot and Melon Seeds textures
- Dried Kelp texture
- Vines and Lily Pad inventory colors
- All entities from before Village & Pillage use Classic Textures
- Savanna Villager base texture
- Cleric Villager profession texture
- Biome-specific Zombie Villager textures
- Llama chest textures
- Brewing Stand Bottle outline
- Lava textures
- Horn Coral Block texture
- Brain Coral Block texture
- Acacia, Birch, Dark Oak, and Jungle Door textures
- Smithing Table top texture
- Bucket of Pufferfish texture
- Leather Boots texture
- Command Block Minecart texture
- Cat textures
- Horse, Donkey, and Mule textures
- White Rabbit texture
- Empty armor and offhand slot icons
- Empty horse armor slot texture
- Classic splash texts
- Old loading messages
- Subtle enchantment glint
- Updated Bed textures
- Fixed Piston arm textures
- Default Seagrass texture brightness
- Dark Nether Brick textures
- Updated Nether Wart Block texture
- Updated Scaffolding textures
- Updated Cartography Table textures
- Updated Ender Chest textures
- Updated Pumpkin top texture
- Updated Purpur Pillar top texture
- Updated Smoker bottom texture
- Updated Stripped Spruce Log side texture
- Updated Stripped Dark Oak Log top texture
- Updated Snowy Grass Block side texture
- Correct Filled Map textures
- Tipped Arrow colors
- Updated Shield texture
- Updated Vex model
- Updated Zombified Piglin model
- All pre-Village & Pillage entities now use updated textures
- Updated Dragon Fireball texture
- Updated Savanna Villager base texture
- Updated Cleric Villager profession texture
- Updated Biome-specific Zombie Villager textures
- Updated Llama chest textures
- Updated Iron Golem texture
- Updated Leather Cap texture
- Old Villagers and Zombie Villagers in Marketplace maps use new textures
- Lighter empty equipment slot textures
- Updated Enchanting Table Lapis outline
- Updated half armor HUD texture
- Corals, Coral Blocks, and Coral Fans use squelchy sounds
- Netherrack uses unique sounds
- Nether Quartz Ore uses nether ore sounds
- Nether Bricks use unique sounds
- Nether Wart Block uses wart block sounds
- Soul Sand uses unique sounds
- Gilded Blackstone uses nether ore sounds
- Kelp and Seagrass use wet grass sounds
- Lily Pads use big dripleaf sounds
- Vines use softer sounds
- Music newer than Console Edition can play in old biomes
- Underwater music can play
- Random underwater ambience sounds can play
- Nether Wastes ambience plays
- Spawn Eggs are "[Mob Name] Spawn Egg"
- Milk is "Milk Bucket"
- Seeds are "Wheat Seeds"
- Sugar Canes are "Sugar Cane"
- Double Tallgrass is "Tall Grass"
- Treasure Map is "Buried Treasure Map"
- Chain Armor is "Chainmail" Armor
- Slightly Damaged Anvil is "Chipped Anvil"
- Very Damaged Anvil is "Damaged Anvil"
- Enchantment Table is "Enchanting Table"
- Enchanted Apple is "Enchanted Golden Apple"
- Melon is "Melon Slice"
- Glistering Melon is "Glistering Melon Slice"
- Portal is "Nether Portal"
- Head is "Player Head"
- Clay is "Clay Ball"
- Clay Block is "Clay"
- Snow is "Snow Block"
- Stone Mason is "Mason"
- Throwable items are "Thrown [Item]"
- Daylight Sensor is "Daylight Detector"
- Pillar Quartz Block is "Quartz Pillar"
- Brick Block is "Bricks"
- Bricks Slab is "Brick Slab"
- Stone Bricks Slab is "Stone Brick Slab"
- Nether Brick Block is "Nether Bricks"
- Red Nether Brick is "Red Nether Bricks"
- Wood Stairs are "[Type] Stairs"
- Wood Slabs are "[Type] Slabs"
- Weighted Pressure Plate ([Type]) is "[Type] Weighted Pressure Plate"
- Illager Banner is "Ominous Banner"
- Light Block is "Light"
- Records is "Music Discs"
- Mob Skulls is "Heads"
- Fireworks is "Firework Rockets"
- Glazed Terracottas is "Glazed Terracotta"
- Savanna is "Windswept Savanna" when applicable
- Mega Taiga is "Old Growth Taiga"
- Base Fess is "Base"
- Chief Fess is "Chief"
- Mobs remaining is "Raiders remaining"
- Unique water colors in 1.16+ biomes
- Default splashes and loading messages
- Updated font

A companion pack for Console Aspects is also available with extra features: Mini Game Modes. This pack allows players to bring the look and sound of the old mini games to Bedrock Edition. The player life bar, damage sounds, and music are resurrected for your own singleplayer or server games.

Released July 29, 2023
Lines that begin with * are features unique to Console Aspects (not in Java Aspects).
- Distant leaves are now as bright as Console Edition
- Kelp is now brighter to match Console Edition (Thanks, @ZouChenyunfei!)
- Added the Cat, Panda, and Wandering Trader spawn eggs from Console Edition
- Swimming, crawling, and sneaking animations now better match Console Edition (Thanks, @LateLagMC!)
- *Armor stands no longer adjust the riposte pose when equipped with a shield
- Disabled zombie villager hurt overlay due to upcoming profession changes
- Disabled 2D glass pane icons due to upcoming stained glass pane ID changes
- Horse jump and camel dash bars are no longer stretched on mobile devices
- *Color grading is now applied across the whole game
- The grading has a light warm tint to match the brighter Console Edition look
- Decorated pots are now shaded in inventories
- Action bar HUD text now has a shadow
- *Ghast sounds can now be heard from 100 blocks away
- *Added wither skeleton sounds from Console Edition
- *Campfire crackling now uses a consistent pitch and volume
- Added 1.20 block sound events for parity with Java Aspects
- Updated brush item sounds to match 1.20
- *Music from 1.20 will no longer play in jungles, forests, deserts, or mesas
- To keep A Familiar Room and Crescent Dunes in-game in Default and Classic modes, the songs have been added to the following biomes:
- A Familiar Room: Grove, Meadow
- Crescent Dunes: Snowy Slopes, Stony Peaks
- Removed cherry wood sound files as they were officially added to the game
- Cherry log particles now use the side texture
- *Wooden slabs and stairs are now "[Type] Wood Stairs" and "[Type] Wood Slab"
- Illager banner shield descriptions are now light gray
- Removed wood planks name changes as Bedrock Edition changed to match Console Edition
==Classic Textures==
- Leather boots are now dyed like Console Edition
==Updated Textures==
- Bed items no longer use 3D textures
- Removed almost all potion and tipped arrow textures as they were officially added to the game
- Removed archer pottery sherd texture as it was officially added to the game
- Updated music playlists to match 1.20
- Dead coral plants no longer make squelchy sounds
- Grass side color now transitions smoothly near cherry groves (Thanks, @ZouChenyunfei!)
- Updated Textures: Enchantment glint intensity now matches Java Aspects
- *The default color for 1.16+ biome water now matches the ocean biome
- Overworld fog now uses the correct color
- The enchantment glint ZIP no longer breaks leather armor textures
- Banner patterns on shields are now visible
- Offhand shields are now oriented correctly
- End crystals are now the correct height
- Villager item poses are once again correct with wool and carpet
- Armor stand baseplate is no longer visible in the smithing table
- Removed shield item icon due to the addition of shield banner patterns
- Armor trims are now visible in the inventory
- Decorated pots now show sherds in the inventory
- *Beacons are now shaded correctly in the hotbar
- HUD item text no longer fades in each time a new item is selected
- HUD item text now appears for the correct duration
- Updated splash potion of healing and harming particles to work with the new potion colors (Thanks, @ZouChenyunfei!)
- Dismount messages are now removed when using touch controls
- Using old texture packs no longer causes pink-and-black squares on logs
- Using Console Aspects above Legacy Desktop UI no longer causes pack errors
- *Console Aspects no longer fails to import on certain devices
- Updated render controllers for persona, cape, sniffer, and camel
- Updated "" to reflect the latest changes
- Flattened villager block item pose code
- Flattened log entries in "blocks.json"
- Removed "" file as the color grading addition is incompatible
- Updated the minimum game version required to use the pack to 1.20.10, which means this pack is no longer compatible with earlier versions
- Changed pack UUID to be compatible with earlier versions of this pack
- Updated pack version to 3.1.2
Pack Documents:
- Updated the Credits policy to prevent future contributors from requesting removal of their contributions
- Updated all names, Twitter handles, and Discord usernames of contributors
- Updated the custom tab with the latest Changelog and Credits
- Updated the Credits, Command List, Feature List, and Full Lists of Performance & Compatibility Changes to be correct with this version
- Although cherry leaf particles should be billboarded, the change is not in this update due to upcoming particle changes in 1.20.20.
Released July 29, 2023
Dynamic Mode:
- Light blue, yellow, and lime glass panes now look like Glide score rings
- Diamond, Gold, and Emerald point noises from Glide now play when mining those ores
- Updated all music to play in 1.20 biomes
- Battle and Glide Modes: Adjusted music distribution to be more evenly spread
- Tumble Mode: Fall sounds now play on suspicious gravel and pink petals
- No Ambient Music: Music will no longer play in Cherry Grove, Desert, Mesa, or Jungle Edge biomes
- Removed unnecessary block sound definitions from the pack
- Renamed Dynamic Music to Dynamic Mode
- Updated the minimum game version required to use the pack to 1.20.10, which means this pack is no longer compatible with earlier versions
- Changed pack UUID to be compatible with earlier versions of this pack
- Updated pack version to 1.1.1
Console Aspects comes with two download options: Fidelity and Performance. Fidelity contains features which cause more lag, like item icons and held item positions, but crashes the game on mobile devices. Performance runs better, but doesn't include durability bars, held item positions, or item icons.
Mobile players should always download the Performance version of Console Aspects.
If you are experiencing the "pink and black squares" glitch, where certain blocks do not show the correct texture, download the "Missing Texture Patch" below and apply it above Console Aspects. It fixes the issue on most devices.
Latest Release:
3.1.2 (Performance):
3.1.2 (Fidelity):
Missing Texture Patch:
Mini Game Modes 1.1.1:
All Downloads:
3.0.0 (Performance):
3.0.0 (Fidelity):
3.1.0 (Performance):
3.1.0 (Fidelity):
3.1.1 (Performance):
3.1.1 (Fidelity):
3.1.2 (Performance):
3.1.2 (Fidelity):
Missing Texture Patch:
Mini Game Modes 1.0.0:
Mini Game Modes 1.1.0:
Mini Game Modes 1.1.1:
My Links:
hey a glitch happens where you dont get the console shaders with it please at least make a seperate thing for that incase
Every Time I Use The Latest Version From CurseForge And I Make A new Game Using The Pack, It Crashes While Loading. 🙁
Could This Be Fixed By The Creator Of This Pack?