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Fixed Vanilla

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This Resource Pack fixes a lot of issues in the game related to textures, models, animations, particles, and more. Both default and classic textures are supported.

Current version: 1.14 - Tricky Trials

  • Structure Blocks now use the correct textures [MCPE-48224];
  • Bee Nests and Beehives now correctly play wood sounds when placed [MCPE-53577];
  • The carried Grass Block top texture now matches the sides;
  • Various fixes related to the command completion screen:
    • Fixed 'lit_blast_furnace', 'lit_furnace' and 'lit_smoker' icons [MCPE-48042];
    • Fixed all 'standing_sign' and 'wall_sign' variants;
    • Fixed 'tripwire' icon;
    • Fixed 'powered_repeater' and 'unpowered_repeater' icons;
    • Fixed 'powered_comparator' and 'unpowered_repeater' icons;
    • Fixed 'potatoes' and 'carrots' icons;
    • Fixed 'bamboo_sapling' icon;
    • Fixed all 'candle_cake' variants (suggested by @agentms_);
  • Corrected sounds for most Nether Brick variants [MCPE-74879]:
    • NOTE: Nether Brick and Red Nether Brick walls are the only exception due to a limitation in the vanilla game. The respective fixes have been included in the pack and will likely start working automatically once walls get split into different block IDs;
    • NOTE: The fixes for Red Nether brick slabs and double Nether Brick slabs only work for versions 1.21.10 and higher;
  • Obsidian and Crying Obsidian can no longer be randomly rotated;
  • Blackstone slabs, stairs and walls now use the correct textures on their top and bottom sides;
  • Fixed the names of all "Per Bend" banner patterns [MCPE-169579];
  • Coral blocks now use the correct sounds [MCPE-76182];
  • Fixed the texture used by the Quartz slab's bottom face [MCPE-182604].
  • Pillagers and Zombie Villagers now have the correct height [MCPE-42631];
  • Zombie Villagers, Vindicators and Pillagers no longer render the armor they're wearing;
  • Shulkers are properly scaled now [MCPE-41736];
  • Tropical fish no longer have random rotations while flopping;
  • Fixed scale and rotation of all 2D projectiles [MCPE-66385]:
    • Bottles o' enchanting, eggs, ender pearls, eyes of ender, snowballs, splash and lingering potions are 2x smaller;
    • Fireballs are now smaller than dragon fireballs;
    • Small fireballs are now even smaller;
    • All of these changes match Java Edition, XP orbs and dragon fireballs are already correctly sized;
  • Added level indicators for Zombie Villagers;
  • Unskilled villagers now use the unskilled villager overlay:
    • This isn't noticeable with the vanilla textures, but any modifications made to the texture will now be reflected in-game;
  • Fixed the speed and range of all baby mobs' legs in their walking animations [MCPE-108385] (suggested by ExDrill).
  • Item Frame and Glow Item Frame breaking particles no longer display black borders;
  • Fixed Pillager arms' back texture (suggested by @LilDibbun) [MCPE-48628];
  • Cats, Pandas and Wandering Traders’ Spawn Eggs now match the others;
  • Fixed misplaced head layer on some librarian Villagers and Zombie Villagers [MCPE-47297];
  • Fixed Illager banner's plain texture [MCPE-43233];
  • All the "Per Bend" banner patterns are now consistent with each other;
  • Several Nether Update textures now match their Java Edition counterparts [MCPE-66085];
  • Fixed Phantom Eyes' texture (suggested by @agentms_);
  • Fixed Phantom having two incorrectly visible pixels when under the effect of invisibility;
  • A few Caves & Cliffs textures now match their Java Edition counterparts [MCPE-122544];
  • Fixed opaque Azalea and Flowering Azalea leaves' background colors [MCPE-170481];
  • Fixed carried and opaque Mangrove leaves' background colors [MCPE-170481]:
  • Fixed covered Azalea, Flowering Azalea and Cherry leaves' background colors [MCPE-170517];
    • Unfortunately, the game has a bug that prevents the covered and opaque colors from being fixed simultaneously, so I've decided that the opaque texture is a more important fix [MCPE-170516];
  • Fixed double chest and double trapped chest textures not matching the single chests;
  • Fixed Z-fighting in horse reins;
  • Fixed transparent pixels in Drowned's body;
  • Fixed multiple issues with desert Villagers and Zombie Villagers' sandals and arms;
  • Background in clouds texture is now fully transparent;
  • Purple Glazed Terracotta's "sword" shape outline has been tweaked;
  • Removed grayish pixels from the Camel’s leg [MCPE-170480];
  • Corrected shape and color of unused levitation potions;
  • Tweaked colors in bed sprites to be more accurate to their block models (suggested by @ThatGreenBlur) [MCPE-49850];
  • Dirt background in UI now matches the dirt block;
  • Fixed unused unskilled villager texture using the weaponsmith's clothes;
  • Zombie Villagers' hat layering now matches regular villagers on all professions;
  • Updated trident texture to be symmetrical;
  • Warm frog's mouth texture is now consistent with the other types [MCPE-171722];
  • Fixed the bottom of Parrots' heads being inverted;
  • Fixed inconsistent pixels in Trial Spawner's ejecting textures;
  • Arrow of Infestation is no longer greener than it should be (suggested by @agentms_).
  • Fixed Cats and Ocelots’ models:
    • Restored the original model from before version 1.8;
    • The top faces of the legs are no longer visible all the time [MCPE-45303];
    • Tail no longer flickers in the middle [MCPE-169140];
    • "Nose" cube no longer clips through the main head cube at the bottom;
  • Fixed V1 Villager and Witch models to mirror the arm texture;
  • Fixed Drowned model [MCPE-100974];
  • Piglins, Zombified Piglins and Piglin Brutes no longer have gaps in their tusks [MCPE-83202];
  • Updated Strider's model;
  • Hoglin & Zoglin model now matches Java Edition;
  • Capes no longer disconnect from the player's body when running;
  • Updated Villager, Witch and Illager models to include the full coat textures [MCPE-155044];
  • Fixed Enderman model [MCPE-63364];
  • Fixed Allay's head being offset [MCPE-167821];
  • Tweaked every humanoid mob's geometry to follow a more similar structure to the player's model:
    • This was done so all of their animations can work for any of them (Mainly the Piglin dance, obviously);
  • Updated Squid and Glow Squid model to prevent Z-fighting in the tentacles;
  • Fixed size and position of Elytra wings [MCPE-170250];
  • 2D projectiles now have a 3D geometry. Yes, I recognize the irony in that statement;
  • 2D projectiles (now 3D!) are now centered;
  • Experience Orbs are now centered [MCPE-110282];
  • Arrow model is now centered;
  • Thrown trident is now slightly less deep when stuck on a surface;
  • Updated trident model to remove the inflated pole;
  • Bows and crossbows are now shaded correctly when held;
  • Fixed position of items held by skeletons and strays;
  • Fixed shepherd villagers and zombie villagers' hat brim being slightly offset;
  • Changed Parrot's model to match older versions:
    • Notable differences: left leg no longer clips through ground when dancing, feather is now placed slightly lower;
    • Fixed the rotation pivots of all parented head and beak cubes. Ideally they should just be part of the actual head model, but maybe changing that could make someone out there upset.
  • Wolf's hind legs are now slightly closer to the ground when sitting (MCPE-179374);
  • Made several tweaks to the player's first person animations:
    • Tweaked hand position [MCPE-47877];
    • Tweaked hand position while holding maps;
    • This will be changed further in a future update;
    • Tweaked punching/mining animation with held maps;
    • Tweaked hand animation for loading crossbows;
    • Fixed positioning of arm and attachable items in skins with custom heights [MCPE-48870];
    • Removed duplicate first person arm bobbing [MCPE-128317];
    • Tweaked item swap animation to work better with the left hand;
  • Fixed arm swing (attack) animation (Thanks for the reference footage, @ErodedPotato!):
    • Arm rotations now match older versions and Java Edition [MCPE-47940];
    • The animation is once again directional [MCPE-54697];
    • The animation is no longer cut off at the end [MCPE-133777];
    • The animation no longer plays constantly [MCPE-167696];
    • All of these fixes also apply to both Endermen and barehanded Piglins, which use the same animation;
  • Fixed sneaking/crouching animation:
    • Crouching no longer offsets the player model [MCPE-170342];
    • The animation once again properly adapts to custom skin heights;
    • Crouching animation now stops when entering swim mode directly from sneak mode [MCPE-166565];
    • Sneak animation no longer plays over emotes;
    • NOTE: The game currently has a bug that breaks a few player animations while wearing a cape on a classic skin in some mobile platforms. The fixes made to the sneaking animation in this pack expose it to the same issue. Unfortunately, that is not something I can fix, so we'll have to wait for Mojang Studios to make a move on this one [MCPE-126660];
  • Fixed player's swimming and crawling animations:
    • The player model is now centered while transitioning into and out of swimming/crawling [MCPE-122663];
    • The limbs now stop moving when idle in the swimming position [MCPE-122664];
    • The head is now rotated correctly when crawling [MCPE-170838];
    • The head and limbs now transition smoothly into and out of swimming/crawling;
    • The player's swimming and crawling animations are now slightly slower, matching older versions and Java Edition;
    • The swimming/crawling animation now adapts to different skin heights;
  • Made several tweaks to the player's third person arm animations when using certain items:
    • Tweaked all arm animations to be more accurate when the player is swimming, crawling or gliding;
    • The player's arms are now animated when using a trident or a spyglass while swimming or crawling;
    • The player's right arm no longer moves while using a spyglass or a goat horn [MCPE-125901];
    • The player's left arm now bobs properly when using a spyglass, a goat horn or a brush;
    • The shield in the main hand is now prioritized when two shields are being held;
    • The player's animations for holding/charging a bow and crossbow now match the animations used by other humanoid mobs;
    • Adjusted animation for holding a charged bow, crossbow, spyglass or goat horn while sneaking (fix indirectly suggested by @ErodedPotato);
    • Adjusted player's blocking animations to match the Java rotations and make them symmetrical;
  • Fixed inverted (upside down) skins:
    • Fixed sneaking, swimming, riding and gliding animations [MCPE-166862];
    • The player's legs are no longer swapped;
    • Arm animations for inverted skins are now accurate to the direction the player is looking at;
    • Inverted skins no longer float when looking up or down;
    • NOTE: These fixes only apply to skins that use inverted animations (Example: Nathan and Erik from the 3rd Birthday Skin Pack). The "Dinnerbone" trick is hardcoded into the game and uses all the same animations as regular skins.
  • Made several tweaks to all attachable items (bow, crossbow, trident, shield, spyglass):
    • Tweaked their first person attack and breathing bob animations to be more consistent with other items;
    • Fixed positioning of all attachables in third person view;
    • Tweaked positioning of all attachables in first person view;
    • Attachables placed in the offhand are now displayed correctly;
    • Bow shaking in first person view is now more subtle;
    • Bow, crossbow and trident shaking animations now transition smoothly instead of suddenly popping up;
    • Bow in first person view once again zooms in while charging;
    • Bow and crossbow charging animations in first person view now hide any attachables placed in the offhand;
    • Crossbow in first person view is once again positioned at the center of the screen when loaded [MCPE-95929];
    • Bows and crossbows in the offhand are no longer visually charged with ones held in the main hand;
    • Shield's animations are now symmetrical;
    • Trident is now held straight and centered in third person view;
    • Tweaked trident's first person animations;
    • First person item swap animation is now correctly applied when the player is blocking with a shield;
    • First person view breathing bob animation is no longer applied when the held item is being charged;
  • Cape rotation range now better matches Java Edition;
  • Capes no longer clip through chestplates [MCPE-90996];
  • Brushing animation is now uniform;
  • Brushing animation speed now matches Java Edition;
  • Drowneds now use the correct animation when holding items in the offhand [MCPE-37425];
  • Piglins' dancing animation has been updated to its more recent version [MCPE-83828];
  • Piglins' armed attack animation now matches the one used by the Vindicator;
  • Corrected the bobbing animation for humanoid mobs (players included);
  • Fixed baby squid being slightly offset (thank GoldenHelmet for suggesting this one, and for the code analysis too!) [MCPE-114253];
  • Strider now changes walking animation when being ridden [MCPE-93027];
  • Fixed the humanoid mobs' legs moving with their bodies in certain animations;
  • 2D projectiles no longer flash the screen when thrown;
  • Limited arm rotation range when holding a charged bow to prevent the arms from passing through the body when turning too fast;
  • Fixed Pillager's arms not being raised when holding an unloaded crossbow [MCPE-65455];
  • Players, pillagers and piglins' arms are now allowed to fully bob when holding/charging a bow or crossbow;
  • Tweaked the animation for loading a crossbow in first person view again;
  • Humanoid arms no longer have a slightly stronger bob when holding a charged bow;
  • Pillager's walking animation now matches that of the Vindicator [MCPE-118598];
  • Changed all of the Parrot's animations to match older versions:
    • Notable differences: legs now move when the mob is pushed rather than during flight;
  • Pandas no longer break their necks when sneezing [MCPE-155672];
  • Hoglins and Zoglins’ attack animation now matches Java:
    • Baby versions are still being figured out;
  • Fixed transitions between the elytra’s sneaking and swimming animations;
  • Changed all of the Cats and Ocelots’ animations to match older versions:
    • Notable differences: legs are once again slightly angled when sitting down;
  • Sheep no longer stop moving their legs when grazing (suggested by @agentms_);
  • The fix for clipping armor is now symmetrical on armor stands with no pose;
  • The fix for clipping armor is now properly applied on older version locked worlds.
  • Fixed Campfire smoke size;
  • Added back transparency to Campfire smoke particles;
  • Campfire Smoke now fades at random, more closely resembling Java Edition;
  • Entities on top of bubble columns no longer produce white bubbles [MCPE-43881];
  • Conduit particles have been updated to match Java Edition;
  • Explosion particles now match Java Edition;
  • Instant Healing and Harming potions now produce the correct particles [MCPE-15425];
  • Spell particles produced by splash potions now have a random variation in brightness;
  • Fixed spell particles not using all frames of animation;
  • The mace's smash attack particles are now slightly darker [MCPE-180715].
  • Added newer textures that were missing [MCPE-46125];
  • Minecart with Command Block’s inventory icon is now purple to match the Repeating Command Block;
  • Fixed all unused potion, splash potion, lingering potion and tipped arrow textures [MCPE-44210];
  • Fixed all original six leaves' carried & opaque textures [MCPE-170481];
  • Adjusted lava animation speed [MCPE-46187];
  • Adjusted lava animation frame order (suggested by @melamed_tal);
  • Jungle Leaves once again correctly color the fruits in item form [MCPE-44116];
  • Updated textures for old Villagers and Zombie Villagers from before 1.11;
  • Fixed Lily Pads' carried texture [MCPE-44206];
  • Fixed Large Fern & Double Tallgrass' carried textures;
  • Tweaked Tallgrass, Fern & Vines' carried textures (Can't fully fix this one yet because of MCPE-53775);
  • Fixed missing pixel in Tallgrass carried texture;
  • Beds' textures now match Java Edition;
  • Updated Steve and Alex skins (Note that these will only appear through the Player Head item, a resource pack or a skin loading error.) [MCPE-165903];
  • Updated several UI elements;
  • Fixed the textures of the arrows of Fire Resistance, Slow Falling and Decay [MCPE-172056];
  • Fixed Grass, Fern, Tall Grass and Tall Fern becoming brighter at a distance [MCPE-169834];
  • Fixed Observer's lit texture [MCPE-174452];
  • Sheep texture has been fully updated [MCPE-46125];
  • Removed unused pixels from various entity textures [MCPE-174528]:
    • Armor Stand;
    • Blaze;
    • Cow;
    • All Llamas;
    • Magma Cube;
    • Minecart;
    • Mooshroom (red and brown);
    • Polar Bear;
    • Sheep.
  • Painting's back texture is no longer mirrored.
  • Corrected Smithing Table texture [MCPE-44163];
  • Corrected Glass and Glass Pane texture to have a fully transparent background again [MCPE-23783];
  • Fixed Jungle Leaves' carried & opaque textures;
  • Added old Shield texture (suggested by @Konerwhite);
  • The Honey Bottle texture now matches the other bottles;
  • Added original Crying Obsidian texture;
  • Regular Nether Bricks now match their variants' colors;
  • The Nylium textures now match Netherrack;
  • The Nether Gold Ore texture now matches Netherrack;
  • Added back the original lodestone compass texture;
  • Zombified Piglin and Vex models have been updated to match the Piglin and the Allay:
    • Although these new models came after the texture update, they would have been updated regardless;
  • Changed trim material outline icons in the smithing table to match the classic textures;
  • Updated potion, splash potion, lingering potion and tipped arrow colors to match the particles;
  • Unused lingering potion of luck is no longer blurry;
  • Added back old Missing Tile texture.

If you think there is something I can and should fix, please contact me! You can either comment down here or DM me on Twitter!

My Twitter profile (@LateLagMC)
@LateLag" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">My Youtube Channel (@LateLag)


Download: FixedVanilla.mcpack



  • Download the file and open it;
  • Wait for Minecraft to import it;
  • Enable it in the settings.

The pack supports both Vanilla AND Classic textures. Adjust the pack's resolution settings to change compatibility (Minecraft Classic Texture Pack can be downloaded from the Marketplace for free)


1.14 - Tricky Trials

This release of Fixed Vanilla barely touches Tricky Trials features. Guess I “tricked” you with that title… (Haha, get it? I know, I’m hilarious) In all seriousness though, this is a necessary update to maintain compatibility with the new potions, as well as some neat little things. Did you know that the ocelot’s model has been broken for over 5 years? Well, now you have been cursed with this knowledge, but fear not! I also offer the solution.


  • Coral blocks now use the correct sounds [MCPE-76182];
  • Fixed the texture used by the Quartz slab's bottom face [MCPE-182604];
  • Nether Brick and Red Nether Brick slabs now use the correct sounds [MCPE-74879]:
    • The fixes for Red Nether brick slabs and double Nether Brick slabs only work for versions 1.21.10 and higher.



  • The fix for MCPE-108385 now properly applies to all baby mobs in older version locked worlds.



  • Fixed the bottom of Parrots' heads being inverted;
  • Fixed inconsistent pixels in Trial Spawner's ejecting textures;
  • Arrow of Infestation is no longer greener than it should be (suggested by @agentms_).



  • Changed Parrot's model to match older versions:
    • Notable differences: left leg no longer clips through ground when dancing, feather is now placed slightly lower;
    • Fixed the rotation pivots of all parented head and beak cubes. Ideally they should just be part of the actual head model, but maybe changing that could make someone out there upset;
  • Updated Splash and Lingering potion models to support Wind Charging, Weaving, Oozing and Infestation potions;
  • Changed Cats and Ocelots’ model to match older versions:
    • Notable differences: shoulder blades more noticeably stick out when walking.
  • Certain model fixes are now properly applied to older version locked worlds:



  • Pillager's walking animation now matches that of the Vindicator [MCPE-118598].
  • Changed all of the Parrot's animations to match older versions:
    • Notable differences: legs now move when the mob is pushed rather than during flight;
  • Distance at which 2D projectiles start getting rendered now better matches Java Edition;
  • Wolf's hind legs are now slightly closer to the ground when sitting [MCPE-179374];
  • Pandas no longer break their necks when sneezing [MCPE-155672];
  • Hoglins and Zoglins’ attack animation now matches Java:
    • Baby versions are still being figured out;
  • Fixed transitions between the elytra’s sneaking and swimming animations:
    • Previous versions of the pack fixed this incorrectly, but the change wasn’t documented before so I’m listing it with the other new changes;
  • Changed all of the Cats and Ocelots’ animations to match older versions:
    • Notable differences: legs are once again slightly angled when sitting down;
  • Sheep no longer stop moving their legs when grazing (suggested by @agentms_);
  • The fix for clipping armor is now symmetrical on armor stands with no pose;
  • The fix for clipping armor is now properly applied on older version locked worlds.



  • The mace's smash attack particles are now slightly darker [MCPE-180715].




  • Painting's back texture is no longer mirrored.




  • Added back old Missing Tile texture.



  • The background in the pack icon has been zoomed out slightly;
  • Updated main picture at the top of the description to reflect some of the changes from recent updates;
  • Full feature list has been split into various expandable tabs on MCPEDL and MCBedrock;
  • Updated @carlosisawsom55's username to @ErodedPotato in all credits;
  • Credited @ErodedPotato for the fix to arm animations while sneaking;
  • Changes to blocks.json:
    • Tweaked definitions to consistently use spaces instead of tabs;
    • Removed unmodified definitions;
  • Changes to the internal feature list and changelog files:
    • Replaced * with •
    • Replaced - with ⁃
    • There is now a space between the bullet point character and the text for improved readability;
  • [BLOCKS] Removed fix for 'lava_cauldron' in the command completion screen, as it no longer shows up in the vanilla game;
  • [BLOCKS] The feature list entry about nether brick sounds has been updated to include a bug tracker reference as well as reflect the new changes:
    • [NEW TEXT] Corrected sounds for most Nether Brick variants [MCPE-74879];
  • [ENTITIES] Removed feature list entry about the Zombie Villagers' biome overlays, as the vanilla game has already fixed that;
  • [TEXTURES] Removed feature list entry about the diagonal banner patterns on shields, as the vanilla game has already fixed that;
  • [TEXTURES] Removed obsolete texture change for double chests;
  • [TEXTURES] The feature list entry “Fixed gray pixels in Camel's leg” has been updated:
    • [NEW TEXT] Removed grayish pixels from the Camel’s leg [MCPE-170480];
  • [MODELS] Grouped all feature list entries about the cats and ocelots’ models together and rewrote their descriptions;
  • [ANIMATIONS] Fixed attachables not properly rotating alongside the first person camera when the player is riding something;
  • [ANIMATIONS] Fixed left hand being rendered when drawing a bow with a map on the offhand (suggested by @agentms_);
  • [ANIMATIONS] Fixed arm rendering issues in first person view when using a character with animated textures (suggested by @agentms_);
  • [ANIMATIONS] Fixed Pillagers having their arms raised when not holding a crossbow;

[ANIMATIONS] Removed feature list entry about MCPE-31121, as the vanilla game has already fixed that. It has been replaced with a fix for MCPE-179374!

This topic was modified 5 years ago 7 times by LateLag
This topic was modified 4 years ago 2 times by LateLag
This topic was modified 2 years ago 3 times by LateLag
This topic was modified 1 year ago by LateLag
This topic was modified 9 months ago by LateLag
Topic starter Posted : 14/12/2019 6:30 am