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(3D) Lower Round Shield
are you tired of the shield's normal appearance or you can't see well because it's blocked by the shield. You want something new and different, I have a solution for that problem.
This texture pack turns shields round and smaller so your screen doesn't get blocked by shields. And I made the shield round so I don't get bored with the normal shield appearance.
And also the shield has a 3D shape.

BEFORE and AFTER using this texture pack.


- If you want to review this Texture pack, please credit me and put a link that will lead to this page.
- You are not allowed to edit and upload on other pages or on this page.
- You can't assume that this Texture pack is yours.
Looks like it's only here, see you in the next post, thank you for downloading this Texture pack 🙂 bye
creator: Tricksteer
- ZIP: Extract the Zip file then cut or copy it go to android>data>com.mojang.minecraftpe>files>games>com.mojang, Then place the file in the resource_pack folder.
- MCPACK: Press file, then select minecraft and this Texture pack will be automatically installed in minecraft.
Topic starter Posted : 22/05/2022 6:00 pm