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MCPE/Bedrock Arcdustry UI Pack ( ARC-UI )

Illustrious Member Admin

Arcdustry UI Pack ( ARC-UI )


Arcdustry-UI Pack ( now formally known as ARC-UI ) is essentially a custom UI for Minecraft Bedrock, or a "reskinned" Vanilla UI. while maintaining vanilla feelings as possible. The goal of this UI is making the most friendly UI for controller as possible, as well cleaning the mess what vanilla UI has. This UI is inspired from Source engine — Steam deck UI.

Created by Arcdustry, the entire UI is created in mobile.

Note before using it

  • "Pocket UI" can or could make the UI looks weird, e.g the setting toggle is seems more height size than what it supposedly to have. so, "Classic UI" is really recommended for this
  • The game may required to be restarted once you applied this UI pack, Why? well this pack has custom fonts, and usually it doesn't display when apply for first time. also very optional.
  • This UI pack may or may not compatible with another "Pre-game" resource packs/UI packs properly when using it.
  • This UI pack will remain usable until the day where a new UI framework replaced Json-UI
  • Character Creators ( Skins Screen ) and Marketplace won't receive a custom screen treatments due to how constant it getting updated. This creates a massive problem which I couldn't fix.
  • Suggestions are always welcome here 😀



Known Issues

Since ARC-UI/Arcdustry-UI being complete stable release and stuff, there is some features that I'll have to remove for obvious reasons. nor couldn't implement properly without issues.

  • "Invite player" and another shortcut buttons in pause screen and start screen has been removed, just to clean the UI space and decreasing crashes issues
  • Pocket UI may cause issues with UI layouts. Overall, it's yet usable.
  • Storage section and realm section in settings screen is removed due to couple of issues that I may unable to fix.
  • Customized "World creation screen" will not work for some users due to Ore-UI related. Only mobile works for now. some of course.




Pre-Game UI Screens

...and more!

Additional UI Screen
Configuration Features

This is experiment features, you can change any of the following screenshot via "ARC-UI/config.json"!

A tutorial about how to set it up available here.


You are permitted to:

  • Examine the code and works to learn more about the creation and development of UI pack
  • Change the code or works to suit your needs.
  • Use the UI packs as you see fit in-game.
  • Re-distribute the UI packs or works elsewhere, with approval of the author.

You are NOT permitted to:

  • Negate the accreditation of the original author.
  • Paste the shortest link with ads and making profit out of it, negating the page.
  • Take the UI code, and republish it as your own. although using it's code as a fork is allowed though but please for sake of god do not reupload this UI and claim that as yours.
  • thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed.

ARC-UI/Arcdustry-UI is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License by Arcdustry/Harlow

If you failed to follow the term of service, expect me to probably downright being upset at you



How to install/Update Arcdustry UI(-pack)

Download the selected the pack from these links / github [ .mcpack is recommend for fast installing, but .zip seems more recommend for customizations with configurations and stuff ]

[ .mcpack method below ]

  1. Download the ".mcpack" version of this UI pack
  2. Open any file managers. [ For mobile, zarchiver is recommended ]
  3. Go to directory (download) where the ".mcpack" file is located
  4. Click/tap that file format directly. It should prompt you if you want to launch minecraft with it [ For mobile, if that doesn't happen. press that file format again, and press the arrow next to it. then choose Minecraft ]
  5. The game will launch and will automatically install it
  6. You should see the UI Pack icon and name when it succeed
  7. Have fun!

[ .zip method below ]

  1. Download the ".zip" version of this UI pack
  2. Open any file managers [ For mobile, zarchiver is recommended ]
  3. Go to directory (download) where the ".zip" is located
  4. Drag the downloaded UI pack file to your game resource packs directories [ For mobile, it would be "/0/android/data/com.mojang.minecraftpe/file/games/com.mojang/resource_packs". For PC, my apologies I don't know. ]
  5. Extract it
  6. Modify "config.json" as you wish [ optional, more info in the game ]
  7. Launch the game and look for that UI Pack
  8. Have fun!

How to update?

If you have a older Arc-UI version and attempting to update, here the instructions.

Do the same instruction with .mcpack installation method, since updated Arc-UI will have it's pack version changed. therefore should able to update itself right away without duplicating the same pack!


Topic starter Posted : 20/02/2023 6:46 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 03/05/2023 11:23 am