Ark: Classic Texture
Have you ever wanted to have tools like the ones in the ark survival game? You're in luck because that's what this texture pack does.

To make the wooden tools I had a little imagination since in ark there is only the garrote

the resource pack changes the texture of stone tools to make them look more primitive

Of the iron tools the only ones that do not change are the shovel and the hoe

the textures of the gold tools are similar to those of iron

I also invented diamond tools because there is no diamond in ark.
Put in the comments if you want the diamond tools to look like tek tools.

the texture of the netherite tools are similar to the textures of the diamond tools, the difference is that the netherite sword is different from the diamond one.

Change the texture of the leather to look like ready-made tool-making leather
Change the textures of crystal, grass block, sword, axe, pickaxe, shovel and hoe from wood, stone, iron, gold, diamond and netherite and also change the textures of some tools in the game.