Better Trade Container (Profession)
What is a "Better Trade Container"? "Better Trade Container" is a custom GUI for trading with villagers based on their professions. It makes editing GUI textures easier, similar to Minecraft Java GUI (no need to engage with code). It also adds complementary features such as "Trade Preview" and "Quick Trade". Trade Preview: allows you to see all the villager's trade items even if their level hasn't reached the requirement. Quick Trade: allows you to quickly purchase items (by double-clicking the arrow). It can also be combined with any texture pack, including "All Trade Unlocker", to access even more features. Warning! don't giving or distributing direct links Please use this link to support creators and contribute to the common good
Warning! Textures may be freely modified, but not the UI code. You must create your own extension file if you intend to publish it.
open folder: better trade container/assets/minecraft/textures/gui/container/villager2/
Right Panel
Center Fold
Left Panel
Place it above the Trade Unlocker to prevent the warning from appearing
Supported Languages: 29 Languages currently available in Minecraft (Not 100% accurate)
Tool Smith
Wandering Trader
How to download in [Bstlar.], to access the file, follow these steps:
- Click on the "Click on ad" button. This will open a new tab.
- Select one ads
- Wait for 10-15 seconds.
- Return to the tab you were on initially.
- Click on "Unlock Content".
Once you have completed these steps, the Mediafire page will appear. Click the download button to obtain the file.
Mcpack: just click it will be installed automatically
- (Old)Extract then move to \games\com.mojang\resource_packs
- Extract then move to \Android\com.mojang.minecraftpe\files\games\com.mojang\resource_packs
- WINDOWS: Extract then move to C:\Users\(your pc username)\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\games\com.mojang\resource_packs