Brilliant ( Compatible to all versions! )
Brilliant is a fun, simple, vibrant, saturated, and essential resource pack. The pack is a faithful yet wholly unique reinterpretation of the vanilla textures, using a more cohesive color palette and simple patterns. No matter your play style, Brilliant is designed to suit all of your needs, with quality of life improvements made for PvP, redstone, builders, and survival players alike. Breathe new life into your Minecraft world with Brilliant!

Features include:
- All new textures for every block, entity, and item up to 1.20!
- Optifine Compatibility
- Randomized textures
- Animated Ores
- Transparent UI
- Low Fire
- Smaller shields and swords
- More detailed Redstone Components
- Brighter Nether
- Custom paintings
- Animated Jukebox
- Unique pumpkins 😀
- And so, so much more!
But that’s not all! The pack also comes with the Brilliant PvP Subpack, which adds even more PvP-specific textures, including:
- Outlined Ores
- Fancier Ore Blocks
- Simple Wool textures
- Bow charge indicators

Andrew Brandenburg - Blocks
Marc-Antoine - Entities
SnakeBlock - Items
TitaniumGrunt - Animated Textures
Font- Birdseed by Chevy Ray
How to import:
download, open file, put pack on global or world resources.