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Buff Villager as Iron Golem
What does the title mean, you may ask.
Well..nothing much.
This texture pack just replaces the Iron Golem’s texture with a Buff Villager. No new sounds, just a Buff Villager.
More details in the description!
This is the Buff Villager that i’m talking about!
As you can see, nothing special. But i think that seeing one of these in a village is funny.
Here are the download links:
1. Click "Download Skin Pack .mcpack"
2. Wait like 5 seconds to get redirected to mediafire
3. Download it
4. When the download is completed, tap on it
5. Minecraft will open up automatically and it will say "Importing Buff Villager as Iron Golem" on the top.
6. Wait for the import to complete and then..enjoy!
Topic starter Posted : 16/09/2019 6:50 pm