Cursed Emerald Ore Texture
Have you ever wanted a cursed emerald ore? Yeah, me neither. But I made one anyway, just because I can! Why? I DONT KNOW! Here you go folks, cursed emerald ore.
Okay, so basically, I just got the stone and emerald or texture, and put them together to make… EMERALD ORE?? WHAT?
It is only a texture pack, so it works like a regular ore.
The way I made the texture, is by changing the normal emerald ore texture into a 128×128, getting the 16×16 stone texture, and replacing the stone part of the ore into just mini stones. The emerald in the texture is just regular 16×16 emerald ore.
In reality, its just emerald ore made up of emerald ore.
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-Changed Wrong Accidental Resolution From 64x to 128x
Creator: RedCosmicCat