
MCPE/Bedrock Custom...
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MCPE/Bedrock Customs Allays

Illustrious Member Admin

Customs Allays


This texture pack adds a lot of different allays with custom textures in the texture pack options so that the user can choose the one that interests them or likes the most :3

This texture pack adds many different combinations with custom textures in the texture pack options such as>Wither Skeleton, Ghast, Piglin Brute, Piglin, Strider, Blaze, Fire Soul, Soul, Evoker, Pillager, Vindicator, Illusioner, Vex, Totem of undying, Iron Golem, Snow Golem, Villager (and biome variants), Wandering Trader, Zombie, Husk, Skeleton, Stray, Creeper, Witch, Axololt, Enderman, Drowned, Slime, Magma cube, Bat, Infrared, Herobrine, Steve, Alex, Warden, Torch, Rainbow, Netherrack, Desert, Death, Cool, Cactus, Amethyst and Etc..

Credits: Main Textures byPm3>

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Topic starter Posted : 26/01/2023 2:54 pm