DandelionBEV4 [x16]
This package called DandelionX is made mainly for Java but now for Bedrock, I am the creator of the porting, not the textures, without more to say, I present version 4.
Dandelion Texture Pack for Bedrock Edition is official with this pack.
Original Autor: Steelfeathers, zerotrinity (Java Edition)
Curseforge: DandelionX Java Edition
Bedrock Edition-Autor: PilliTe
-Don't steal the texture saying it's yours.
-you can make textures using DandelionBE just for your own use.
-you can share the package as long as you give credits
I will not accept modified links.
I have permission to upload this package.

DandelionXV3 Bedrock (images)

DandelionBE V4(incomplete): Don't images.
DandelionBE V4 (Incomplete) will be the last one uploaded until the Java version is Updated, thank you very much for downloading the package, without anything else to say, enjoy DandelionBe V4
add: Piglins(texture), obsidian respawn(block), carried(leaves, chest, grass and grass), récord otherside and IU(improved)
Direct link
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCphXSnSy8jwsc5zgcjYyQgQ