Keeping it short and simple; this pack modifies the default textures (by JAPPA) to make them a little better and fall inline with a theme for certain blocks and items.
This pack also has a version for Java Edition! Find it here.
You may:
> Upload showcase videos or threads to YouTube or forums sites. (A link to this post will be appreciated)
You may not:
> Redistribute this pack or any of its textures as your own.
> Create mashup/edits using this pack’s textures and redistribute.
© 2019 Stridey. All rights reserved.
Latest version: 1.3 – designed for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition 1.11.4
retextured dirt
retextured podzol side
retextured grass side
retextured snowy grass side
retextured mycelium side
retextured grass path side
tweaked birch leaves
reverted all glazed terracotta blocks
retextured fletching table
retextured iron door
retextured spruce door
tweaked spruce trapdoor
tweaked stripped dark oak log
tweaked stripped spruce log
recoloured black concrete powder
retextured cobweb
recoloured creeper
retextured arrows
retextured diamond
retextured arrow
retextured bow pull-back stages
retextured chest minecart
retextured experience bottle
retextured all signs
retextured fishing rod
retextured crossbow full pull-back stage
retextured all boats
fixed sign UI
> If the pack downloads as a .zip file, change the extension to .mcpack
> Open the .mcpack file by clicking or tapping - it should open Minecraft and automatically begin installing the pack