
MCPE/Bedrock Dododo...
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MCPE/Bedrock Dododonut’s Improved Looks – Nether Update

Illustrious Member Admin

Dododonut’s Improved Looks – Nether Update


This pack strives to take the vanilla textures of Minecraft and bring them to their full potential. This pack slightly tweaks some of the vanilla textures, while still maintaining the feel and style of the originals. 



Connected prismarine bricks:


Rounded logs *New* & stems:


Orange birch leaves:


Clear glazed terracotta:


Dirt & nylium sides:


Sparkly enchantment glint (hard to see in picture):


Added new Netherite tools and armor: Makes more logical sense since you use gold in Netherite and need diamonds to make gear – also just looks cool in my opinion.


Added new gold block and gilded blackstone block: (wanted to make gilded blackstone actually desirable, since it is so rare and hard to obtain)


Added tormented souls to soul fire: (hard to see in picture because it is animated)


Option to download just the new Nether update textures (see installation description)


~Added rounded warped and crimson stem tops

~Added new netherite armor and tools

~Added new gilded blackstone texture

~Added souls to soul fire

~Added new gold block

~Removed smooth glowstone texture



The main pack includes all textures shown above. The Nether edition includes ONLY the nether features as shown in the last picture:

~New Netherite textures

~Gold and Gilded Blackstone

~Soul Fire

The main pack still includes the nether features, along with all of the other features, like the prismarine bricks and enchantment glint.



Topic starter Posted : 30/06/2020 12:25 pm