Dukie Edits 16x PvP Pack
Hi! What’s quack-a-lackin’? Are you waddling through the website trying to find a Minecraft texture pack that suits you? Well, look no further! Dukie Edits is a fun duck-themed texture pack aimed to make your PVP experience more enjoyable with unique textures and funny hit sounds! The textures aren't high in resolution, making it perfect for low-end devices. More details of the pack below. (Disclaimer: Only works if you like ducks :D)
There are 4 sub packs included in the pack (A video containing a showcase of the sounds at the end of the page):
- Rubber duck squeak hit sounds
- Loud rubber duck squeak hit sounds
- Duck quack hit sounds
- Default hit sounds
* Clean lime color for diamond gear
* Sir Quack the duck in some textures
- Armor
- Sword & Other PVP items
- Tools
- Ores and TNT
- Critical hit particles
- Potion effect particles
And finally, here's a video showcasing the textures and hit sounds!
- Changed file link (linkvertise to mediafire)
Have a great day!