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Ender Virdis
Have you ever wonder why the portal frame, eye of ender, and ender pearl are green and things in The End are purple? Well, you don't have to think about it anymore, this texture pack makes purple things in The End use the green palette of those items.
(almost) everything that is purple at The End is now green, with the color palette of the following items and blocks:
- End Portal Frame
- Ender Eye
- Ender Pearl
- Ender Chest
Here is a list of changes that i did:
- Chorus Fruit items and blocks
- Purpur blocks
- Dragon eyes
- Shulker box and the actual mob
- Ender Crystal item and entity

Things that could not be changed due to technical difficulties:
- Enderman particles
- Dragon Breath particles
- Enderman eyes
Topic starter Posted : 09/02/2023 4:46 pm