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Enhanced DefaultEnhanced Default aims to give the already beautiful world of Minecraft an Enhanced Look! These are my personal textures that I have released for the public to hopefully enjoy! 
The texture changes include:
- Lower Grass!
- Highlighted Ores!
- PvP Items also changed!
- Swords have a more “slanted” shape
- Apples and golden apples are more brighter/more saturated
- Brighter Nether!
- And other texture tweaks you can expect to see after you have downloaded the pack!
Tell me in the comments or dm me on discord {Galaxxie#6654} if you find a bug or have a suggestion!
Click on the link or your choice (mcpack or zip) and it shall redirect you to MediaFire! Download it and install it to your Minecraft and enjoy!
Topic starter Posted : 21/10/2019 11:29 am