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Enhanced Endermans
This pack brings 6 new enderman textures to your world. There are two versions: the full version that randomized the 6 textures upon spawning or the experimental version that brings biome dependent textures by toggling the MoLang Features on. This pack was originally created by Cheharka on the Java Edition and was ported by me to Bedrock.

Full Version:
- Is survival-friendly
- No experimental features needed
- No biome dependant textures
- The 6 enderman textures are randomized upon spawning
Experimental Version:

- Will only work by turning on the MoLang Features in your world settings
- 6 Different enderman textures in Warped Forest, End, Nether Biomes, Cold Biomes, and Cave Biomes
In-game Screenshots:

NOTE: Copyright does not apply to bedrock porting. We, the bedrock porters, put in the effort to make a Java Edition resource pack or mod available for Bedrock Edition players to enjoy and keeping the credits for the owner at the same time.
porter: Parzival_
Topic starter Posted : 18/08/2022 1:45 pm