ForeverVanilla - Bedrock Port
ForeverVanilla is a beautiful aesthetic resource pack for java edition. I'm here to present the Bedrock Port of this amazing pack! I have tried my best to port every single feature of this pack to bedrock edition! I hope you enjoy this pack!!

Down Below is my Trailer I released on my YouTube Channel!!
If you want to check out my other addons, you can check out my YouTube channel by clicking the link down below!
Feature List!
- Improved block, item and gui textures
- Better mob models and textures
- Variated blocks
- 3D book items
- Better leaf textures and colours
- Better/clean particles
- Fixed vanilla Hotbar transparency
- Improved enchantment glint

Original Java pack - Link
This port was made from the owner's request. I do have permission to release this port!
If your planning to create a video credit me and kovaszos_uborka and link the planetmc page too!
Using this pack publicly/including it in your pack you need to credit us like above.
If you find any bugs on my packs please report them to my or kovaszos_uborka'sdiscord server!

Read the page above for how to use!
YouTube Channel:
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Join My Discord:
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