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Glowing Blocks
Hello people, today I have brought you a texture that will make your world explode this texture makes some Minecraft bedrock blocks shine excellent you can find minerals easier and without any problem this version is in development so it does not bring much content but I will be updating it so that can enjoy it
these are some images of the blocks that shine
Iron ore


Azalea leaves

Copper ore

Coal ore

Gold ore

Diamond ore

Redstone ore

Quartz ore

Nether gold ore

Lapis ore

Glided blackstone

Emerald ore

Deepslate redstone ore

Deepslate lapis ore

Deepslate iron ore

Deepslate gold ore

Deepslate diamond ore

Deepslate emerald ore

Deepslate coal ore

Deepslate copper ore

Topic starter Posted : 13/01/2022 11:18 am