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Humanoid Pillagers: Evoker
Tired of looking at the big noses of the evokers? Yeah, we know that they are not humans but a different race, so why not try this resource pack that changes the look of the evoker to have a more humanoid figure plus spirit vexes too! This pack will be the first step towards the complete pillager remodel named "Humanoid Pillagers."



vex charging
Terms and conditions for my original resource packs
- You are not allowed to change anything or add some tweaks to this pack and then post it to claim it as your own
- Do not repost.
- If you are showcasing this texture pack, please give me proper credit.
Please support me by using the link that I provided. Thanks!
creator: Parzival_
Topic starter Posted : 28/07/2022 2:44 pm