inkcreeper782’s Vanilla Texture Tweaks!
Do you want a texture pack with dozens of details, ranging from grass to End Stone? Do you want a texture pack that’ll blow your friends’ mind on what great taste on texture packs you have? Well… I didn’t make that. But the least I can offer is some tweaks to the default!
While this texture pack isn’t the greatest on this website, you’ll soon grow attached to it, considering we added a custom crosshair that looks like a camera’s crosshair, or whatever you call it.
Because we all know that the default crosshair is kinda trash. I’ve also added shortswords, for you PvP-ers, with a new enchant look, which is pink with some purple and blue. I call it the Fairy Enchant (inspired by Hypixel Skyblock’s full set Fairy armour, which turns it from pink, into the combo of colours that I’ve shown.)
I’ve also added a new potion effect look, which I think looks really good with my Joker (Persona 5) Skin
And let’s say you don’t like the look of the potion effect. Or maybe the “pink is too girly”. Well, fret not my viewer! First of all… and second of all, I’m allowing for you to edit the texture pack! YAY! But just don’t reupload my pack. But if you decide to modify the pack, and upload that, then that’s fine! I really don’t mind it. it’s just some fair use stuff that I have to say. Is it fair use? I don’t know and I don’t care. just do whatever you want with it. Minecraft is supposed to be fun, and with all of the legal drama happening on youtube, other sites are just rushing to make their brand look good. So I’m letting you modify this pack. Plain and simple. Welp, I hope you enjoy it, and if you don’t, then my bad! At least it won’t ruin your computer/phone/tablet. I’ll upgrade some stuff in the future, but for now, goodbye. (btw my other online name is InkdIdot. if you don’t believe me, then check out my channel: and look at my ING name.) also I know there is the stuff that isn’t perfect, like the ender pearl. oh God, just take a look.
But you know that’s the ender pearl, at least. Anyways, go to play some!