
MCPE/Bedrock Joes X...
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MCPE/Bedrock Joes Xray

Illustrious Member Admin

Joes Xray

Oh, and let's not forget about the incredible "Joe's Xray"! This catchy new name brings a touch of mystery and intrigue to the modified experience. It's like peering into the fabric of the game, revealing hidden treasures and secrets. Brightcore shall forever be known as "Joe's Xray," a symbol of discovery and wonder in the vast world of Minecraft.

To ensure proper functionality of the ores, the following conditions must be met:

Operating System: The ores are compatible only with Windows 10. If you are using a different operating system, the ores may not work as intended.

Hack Clients: Installation of any hack clients should be avoided, as they can overwrite the client code and potentially cause the ores to break.

Smooth Lighting: Smooth lighting must be disabled in the game settings. Enabling smooth lighting can interfere with the proper functioning of the ores.

Minecraft Updates: Whenever there is a Minecraft update, the code of the ores must be updated to match the new version. Failure to update the code may result in the ores not working properly.

Texture Packs: No other texture packs should be enabled alongside the ores. Having additional texture packs active may cause conflicts and affect the functionality of the ores.


Chunk-Rendering Distance: The effectiveness of the ores is influenced by the chunk-rendering distance set in the game. The maximum distance is 12, as shown in the image, and adjusting it may impact the visibility of the ores.

It is important to note that the ores are guaranteed to work in the Nether due to the higher ambient light level present in that dimension. However, certain blocks may appear dark if they are located beyond your loading distance and are no longer considered relevant to illuminate. 


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creator: Joes mods
Topic starter Posted : 21/06/2023 6:29 pm