M1STY Caves [PVP PACK] by M1ST
Ever wanted a simple light weight pack? but you really are bored of default textures?Then you have come to the right place!M1STY Caves is a texture pack which focuses on making things near default but changing the colors to something more interesting The size of this pack is just 5.4Mb so you will probably get your best fps with this pack
Swords, Ender Pearl, Buckets, Potions, Bow and Rod:

- The swords and ender pearls are pretty basic
- The buckets and flint and steel are not changed as I feel it looks good like this itself
- The potions and simple and shading and is made to distinguish between them easily
The rods and bow design in my opinion looks really good

- Only the apple and gapples are changed to look more vibrant

- The particles here are taken from pastellic 32x which I feel looks good and simple

- Armor designs were taken from ameysth 16x and they look good in my opinion
Water and Lava:

- Well the water is transparent ...
- The lava texture is changed a little
Chest GUI:

- The only thing I can say about this is .........Transparent
Bedwars Stuff:

- The wool is taken from soros 16x and in my opinion it looks unique and cool
- Ingots are taken from nebula 16x and it looks good
- Fireball remains unchanged
- Diamond is inspired from hannahpeyton 16x
Ores and Blocks:

- It can be in just one word......clean
Sky (Bottom):


And thats it.
I have worked really hard on this pack so it would be great if you comment on this post about whether this pack is good or your suggestions to improve this pack
I had a lot of help from this server so it would be great if you guys joined it-Textured Planet------ https://discord.gg/cFC9SbrZ
Direct download cuz......why not?
creator: M1ST