Minecraft Earth Cows Version 1.0
Minecraft Earth has some beautiful features that vanilla Minecraft doesn't, and one of them is having different mob variations. It's sad that the Minecraft Earth game has been taken down by Mojang. I missed those Minecraft mob variants, particularly the cow, so I decided to bring them into vanilla Minecraft using a resource pack!
This texture pack replaces the default cow texture with ten different Minecraft earth cows. The textures of this variant are randomized upon spawning.
In-game screenshots:

This pack contains the following ten Minecraft Earth Cows - Wooly Cow, Moobloom, Moolip, Ashen Cow, Albino Cow, Cookie Cow, Brule Cow, Dairy Cow, Pinto Cow and Sunset Cow.

Why only a texture pack and not an addon? I always make a project with only a texture pack so that you can use it in survival worlds without disabling achievements, and it can also be used in multi-player worlds, realms, and servers by adding it to your global resources.
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