Noise A.I. Default | by Mr Fishy (Alpha)
I(Mr Fishy) have been developing an A.I. / Artificial Intelligence for Minecraft resource packs, you can put textures through it and it will try and figure out what should be rough and what should be smooth and from there it will add Noise to the texture based on how rough it thinks it should be. However this can take a long time and it's only in alpha stage, luckily I can make a resource pack containing blocks sent through an alpha test of the A.I. and release the pack publicly, please note that this is an early development and as the A.I. improves the textures will and for now only blocks are supported. In the future this A.I. will be released to the public for users to put through their personal packs and chose how much detail they want added, which blocks don't get affected and even an upscaling feature will be worked on. Please follow my twitter to support me with this project: 32x, 64x, 128x, 512x version using the upscaling tool will be available later on, as of now only the 16x default put through Noise A.I. is RTX version will be available in Late July/August.

Once again I would appreciate if any of you are interested in updates, screenshots, early looks and more to please follow my twitter as that's where I'm most active and it will help out a lot and support me with this project. @Mr Fishy (@StudiosFishy) / Twitter
If you're still confused on what this pack exactly does it is the default vanilla textures of blocks(more textures will be added in future) put through my in development A.I. that adds more detail to 16x, 32x, 64x, 256x and 512x minecraft textures and the A.I. will be compatible with any pack upon release and this is just a demo of what it can do.

There is a ray traced / RTX version of the pack being worked on.