Classic Minecraft Texture
My texture changes everything to its old Minecraft texture (When I say old texture I mean the texture of 1.9) The subpacks were of another texture I used that texture to put the textures there as well as the neon
These These are the These are the textures that are some images
The texture of the deepstone is the same as the one seen in Minecraft Live
Here I show you a mineral and a variant of the deepstone
Copper is similar to Minecraft Live
you can make very nice constructions like my little house 😀
And some ore blocks, In the last photo you can see the copper ore
I leave you in the downloads to download worlds like this
New panorama texture
Change the amethyst to its texture from the first snapshot 20w45a
Better lantern and chain
This is how they looked with the normal Minecraft texture
Here the textures I change
1.19 update
Mangrove wood
Frog item
Captus bug fixed
creator: @ange10mn
1.19 textures
Captus bug fixed
Warden textura added
First you have to unzip the texture and paste the folder in /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.mojang.minecraftpe/files/games/con.mojang/resource_packs