
MCPE/Bedrock Quiete...
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MCPE/Bedrock Quieter Sounds Resource Pack

Illustrious Member Admin

Quieter Sounds Resource Pack


Quieter Sounds are resource packs that allow to player to make some things quieter while keeping the rest normal without the need to turn down your volume. These resource packs make many things quiet. For example, quieter Nether Portals, Water, Enderman, Ghasts, Cows, Villagers, Minecarts, Pistons, Fire, Dispensers, and Droppers.



This is what the pack looks like

The last download link is the world I used to test.

These resource packs are created by Minecraft Pro 672. I hope you enjoy it.

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You are not allowed to

  • re-distribute this pack to other websites
  • make a profit off of this pack
  • Modify the pack in any way

creator: Minecraft pro 672

  • Added Adfly links for Separated Files, Combined Files, and Test Sounds World



Once you click on the link, press SKIP AD. Sorry for the ads. I use link shorteners so I can make a little money off of what I make.



Topic starter Posted : 10/07/2020 7:43 pm