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MCPE/Bedrock Respect the Craft: A Tweak and Alternative Textures Pack

Illustrious Member Admin

Respect the Craft: A Tweak and Alternative Textures Pack


This is a pack that contains many altered or completely new textures to either make them more cohesive or add a bit more variety out of respect and love for the original textures ideas. 


This pack contains alterations to the following:

Title Screen:

Each Minecraft world brings about a new journey, Deep winding caves, dangerous monsters  that lie not only in the dark but come out in the day too! And a world you craft for yourself! Now the Title Screen reflects that

Hud Screen:

The HUD’s been cleaned up and detailed to be prettier on the eyes and easier to see!

Music Discs:

Almost all of the Music discs have been given their own unique flair, now they have just as much style as the tunes they play!


New paintings have been added, from the busy Bee hard at work and Creepers creeping around in the dank depths of the caves, to the Nether’s ghastly but beautiful sights, and the Enderman’s glowing maw. Now you have more paintings to spice up your walls!


Now with an unnerving hunch, and glowing ender energy, don’t underestimate it because of it’s unassuming looks, This enderman has fierce fangs for those too mesmerized by it’s purple enchantment.


From brittle wood to stitched together stone, and from iron to flimsy but strong gold, all the way up to sturdy, durable diamonds. But even bulkier, sharper, durable, and thankfully lava resistant Netherite tools can be crafted for those who’d like to brave the heat for a nice reward, now you can really feel the strength of your tools!

Grasses:The grass has really grown over and the trees seem more vibrantly green, now you can travel through lusher fields!


I’ve cleaned off some of the annoying smudges on the glass, now it’s more clear and connects better!

Netherrack, Nyliums, Glowstone, Shroomlight,  Netherbricks, Cracked and chiseled, Nether/Warped Wart and Quartz Ore, Soul Campfire and Soul Fire Torches:

The Nether has been given a ghastly makeover, in the rocky burning depths of the nether you can find the warm glittery glow of glowstone pulsing with blistering heat, then there’s the tall mushroom trees with plush and squishy wart foliage hiding soft, glowing Shroomlights! Then mining at the scorched rocks you might find the rough valuable ores of the Quartz ore and Gold ore buried underneath the brimstone. Finally after roaming the depths you’ll soon discover the dark, brooding, fortified brick fortresses where the undeads’ charred remains roam the halls. The Nether is looking more enchantingly scary by the minute!

Ender Dragon:

The Enderman isn’t the only one with a *glowup heh* the Ender Dragon also has the mysterious purple energy coursing through it’s entire body just waiting to escape.

And many many more, big and small changes!

Anyways I hope you all enjoy, I poured my all into these textures, and if you feel anything looks off or want me to change something else please let me know as I will change the pack based on feedback. This pack is partially inspired by Default+ by Stridey which you should definitely also check out!

Also many thanks to HurpdaDurpdaDerp and Softcore over on Discord for helping me out!

[Updates for Respect the Craft ver.13]


(Find more details on all texture changes in Texture Changes and Tweaks.txt)


Tweaks and Updates to blocks:


Cracked Nether Brick and Chiseled Nether Brick have been added and retextured


Stripped Crimson Stem and Stripped Warped Stem have been added and retextured


Soul Campfire has been added, retextured, and animated


Soul Torch has been added, retextured, and animated


Nether Wart Block has been added and retextured


Warped Wart Block has been added and retextured


Warped Nylium has been retextured since previous build


Crimson Nylium has been retextured since previous build


Nether Gold Ore has been added and retextured


Quartz Ore has been retextured since previous build


Warped Fungus has been added and retextured


Brown Mushroom has been added and retextured


Respawn Anchor has been added and tweaked


Shroom Light has been added, retextured, and animated


Netherrack has been tweaked since last build


Grass Vibrancy has been removed due to issues with sides of grass not matching the tops of grass.


Jack O' Lanterns' Animation has been removed due to issues conflicting with the addition of Soul Campfire changes


Brown Mushroom has been added and retextured



Tweaks and Updates to Items:


Soul Campfire has been added and retextured(Goes with block)


Netherite Tools have been retextured since previous build

Almost all Music Discs have been added and retextured



Tweaks and Updates to Mobs:


Creeper has been tweaked to match reverted color of grass






Click on the mcpack to install it automatically, or unzip the zip file and put it in your resource pack folder.

creator: TheFlameGuy


Topic starter Posted : 29/06/2020 3:42 pm