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Saturated Vanilla 16x
A simple texture pack where all textures are standard vanilla but extra saturation and contrast has been applied through an automated script, so all biomes, all mobs, and all worlds are changed with slightly more intense color levels.
Before and After screenshots

Note the water has become clearer, I'm not sure why but I like it better so I never tried to 'fix' it. 🙃 Note the zombies increased vibrancy (all vanilla mobs have been included).
The Nether

The End

Please note this modifies Minecraft's original art resources which can be found on their github page.
RTX functionality is derived in large part from Vanilla RTX
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To the awesome youtubers out there, if you do a review/showcase, thank you! Please link back to *this page* . Cheers!
Topic starter Posted : 11/12/2022 6:59 pm