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Soft n' Simple - 1.18
Hi everyone! I'm posting Soft n' Simple in its current unfinished state for feedback and comments, it's completely playable but is missing a large number of textures and planned features. As of now, it has most blocks, many items, and no mobs (entities).
Some of the cool features in SnS:
- Randomized Textures: For example, grass_top (grass blocks) have 3 variants to add variety.
- Texture Animations: Many blocks have added flipbook textures (like fire or water has) to bring life to the environment! So far I have glowstone, jack o' lanterns, furnaces, enchantment tables, emerald and diamond ores, etc.
Planned Features:
- More Block Animations: Like the glowstone and others I mentioned, I plan on bringing subtly animated textures to many more environmental blocks.
- New Entity Models: I may be adding slight model changes to entities I feel need them, such as ears to the pigs. I'm also planning on updating some base model animations, not heavily but just enough to refine their appearance. But, I may fork the project into a version with and without.
- Animated Item Textures: This feature isn't currently available in Bedrock, however, I think it's inevitable and I'd certainly be making use of it ASAP.
- Full GUI/UI: I'll also be adding a custom GUI to match the rest of the textures once I'm content with the blocks, items, and entities.
- Why Bedrock? As a full-time Marketplace texture artist, I just have vastly more experience with the engine, but I'm not counting Java out!
- When will SnS be done? I couldn't say, but I'd love to indefinitely continue development for at least the foreseeable future.
Install Steps:
- Download "Soft-n'-Simple.mcpack"
- Find the file in your devices Download folder
- Click it to automatically install
- Go into the options for any world and find "Resource Packs"
- Click into "My Packs" and Add Soft n' Simple to your "Active" packs
Topic starter Posted : 07/02/2022 9:59 am