Tales of Gaia v1.3
Tales of Gaia, its a texture pack that can help you build things in almost every time period or place! It comes with an assortment of pillars, bricks, colors, glass, and more!



Double Slabs
Update 1:
Update 2:
There is so much for you to explore yourself in game and create amazing things!
Note : All textures are made by me. If showcasing or used in any projects be sure to leave a link. Please use the link for this MCBedrock page, do not use your own link. Do Not Re-post This Without Proper Credits And Permission. If you are using the add-on just put this over the resource pack for the add-on.
Changed Oak Doors/Trapdoors
Changed Acacia
Changed Birch
Changed Spruce
Changed Warped
Changed Crimson
Changed Diorite
Changed Small Double Slab Bricks
Changed Flowers
Changed Dirt, Mycelium, Grass, Podzol
Changed Terracotta
Changed Quartz
Changed Red Sandstone, and Normal Sandstone
Changed Beds
Changed Sugarcane and Ferns
Changed Vertical Planks
Changed Trap Chest
Changed Glass
Changed Netherrack
Changed Noteblock
Changed Carpet
Changed Lillypad
Changed Leaf Colors
Changed Sign Item Textures
Changed Smooth Stone
Changed White Concrete
Changed Dark Oak Leaves
Changed Prismarine
Changed Blackstone Double Slab
Changed Yellow Shulker Box