Tiny Pixels 1.20+
The Tiny Pixels resource pack was developed with the ambitious goal of making Minecraft better but by downscaling the resolution from the default 16x to 8x. While it may not appeal to many players, there are still some that will appreciate a simpler experience. Higher-resolution resource packs do not always translate into more fun. Some players may even enjoy a more pixelated art style that is reminiscent of the old 8-bit arcade games. The Tiny Pixels makes Minecraft more colorful with a lower resolution but just as enjoyable. For many players, it can be a breath of fresh air especially if they got bored of vanilla Minecraft.
The texture colors now make blocks easier to recognize. Textures are also much more vibrant and colorful. To a certain degree, the resource pack makes Minecraft, an already cartoonish-looking game to look even more cartoonish. As the resource pack does not introduce many new elements, it still manages to make Minecraft fun with its more pixelated visual style. One advantage of switching to the Tiny Pixels resource pack is the boost in performance. The game will run at a higher FPS due to the downscaled textures. Players with older computers should not worry about any kind of performance degradation. Because the textures are downscaled, they are also smaller in terms of file size and load faster. The resource pack makes the game less resource demanding.

Download and Enjoy the Pack.
Published the Tiny Pixels Texture Pack for the First Time.
Mcpack: click and open in Minecraft
ported by - x_RainBowBoy_x