
MCPE/Bedrock Too Ma...
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MCPE/Bedrock Too Many Dolphins

Illustrious Member Admin

Too Many Dolphins


Welcome to another bedrock port that I made! This pack was originally made by Lightning777 for the Java Edition and was ported to the Bedrock Edition by me. This pack adds 46 dolphin variants that are randomly generated upon spawning but also available using a nametag.


How nametag texture works?

Put a name tag on an anvil. Rename it using the list below. Make sure the first letter of the name is capitalized. Use the name tag on a dolphin, and it should work.




List of Variants:

Bottle, Bottle 2, Orca, Pilot Whale, Killer Whale, Melon-Headed, Pygmy Orca, Cameroon, Springer, Common, Common 2, Dusky, Frasers, Hourglass, Rollever, White Stripe, Peals, Clymene, Striped, Tycuxi, White beaked, Bridle Dolphin 1, Bridle Dolphin 2, Black, Comersons, Heavisides, Hectors, Pink Dolphin, Irrawaddy, Northen RW, Southern RW, Rissos, Roughtoothed, Narwhal, Beluga, Beluga 2, Burneisters, Vaquita, Spectacled, Finless, Harbor, Dalls, Boto, Baiji, Indus, La Plata.




Owner's Permission

NOTE: Copyright does not apply to bedrock porting. We, the bedrock porters, put in the effort to make a Java Edition resource pack or mod available for Bedrock Edition players to enjoy and keeping the credits for the owner at the same time.


Join my Discord Server HERE for fun stuffs and port requests!


creator: Parzival_



Topic starter Posted : 04/09/2022 12:06 pm