Violet 16x PvP Pack
Hello guys! Im back with a brand new 16x pack (and yes, it is named after a flower)! Its made for PvP and I hope you will enjoy the pack!
I changed lots of stuff like items, blocks, inventory screens, particles, ui, hud and more! Here are some images:
The inventory screens:

The items and armor:

The blocks:

The particles and the sky:

...and more!
I also edited the font.
- changed a bit of the inventory texture
- changed the name of the pack
How do I download Orchid 16x?
note: I used the link by another creator to showcase the steps because if I click on my own links it just instantly sends me to the download, so don't wonder why some details look different in my download.
The link will send you to linkvertise. First you will need to prove that you are not a robot:
Than click on "free download with ads":
Now some new things will open. Click on "discover articles":
A window will open. Wait a few seconds and click on the cross at the top right:
You did it! Now just click on the download button!