Vocallay - Vocaloid Allays
Welcome to another bedrock port of mine! This Pack named "Vocallay - Vocaloid Characters replace the Allay" was originally made by Techo25 for Java Edition and was ported by me to Bedrock Edition.

Do you like Minecraft? Do you like Vocaloid?
Do you have a strange urge to replace the Allay with Vocaloid Characters but don't want to do it yourself? (believe me, trying to work with this stuff is a pain sometimes)
Well, don't worry anonymous internet user who likes Minecraft and Vocaloid, I have just the thing for you! Simply download this resource pack and put it into your resourcepacks folder, enable it and press Done, and Vocaloid will replace all the Allay in your world!
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Visit my profile for more Bedrock Edition Texture Packs!

NOTE: Copyright does not apply to bedrock porting. We, the bedrock porters, put in the effort to make a Java Edition resource pack or mod available for Bedrock Edition players to enjoy and keeping the credits for the owner at the same time.