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MCPE/Bedrock Worldmaker736’s Texture Tweaks

Illustrious Member Admin

Worldmaker736’s Texture Tweaks

Have you ever wanted to tweak the textures in Minecraft? Well why not! some of the textures in Minecraft are bland or just the same. For example tools. Why can’t we have better looking diamond tools or better looking gold tools? Its all the same. your wooden pickaxe is pretty much the same texture as your diamond one! In this pack all of the tools are changed! (except the iron ones) also in this pack




retextured to look more like an enderman.

retextured the Cocketiel to look more realistic.

Wood tools.

Stone tools.

Golden tools.

Diamond tools.

Other Changes.

  • Changed the crafting table texture. (removed tools form the texture)
  • Changed the sun texture.
  • Changed the elytra texture.
  • Changed the golden helmet texture. (looks more like a crown)
  • Changed the blaze powder texture.
  • Changed the shield slot texture. 
  • Changed all armor slot textures.
  • Changed the snow golems face. (The one under the pumpkin)
  • Changed the Phantom texture.
  • Changed the slime ball texture.
  • Changed all normal arrow textures.
  • Changed squid texture.
  • Changed the wither skeleton texture.
  • Changed the cow texture.
  • Changed untamed wolf texture.
  • Changed the texture.
  • Changed the drowned texture.
  • Changed armor stand texture.
  • Changed the milk bucket texture.
  • Change elytra item textures.


Will update in the future.

Will take in suggestions.

Treated you guys with a mediafire link I know how much of a pain adfly and other websites are.

changed the textures of Iron ore, gold ore, coal ore, redstone ore, bedrock, gold sword, gold nugget, gold ingot, gold chestplate, gold helmet, gold leggings, gold boots, oak sign, dark oak sign, acacia sign, spruce sign, birch sign, jungle sign, raw cod, raw salmon, raw chicken, raw porkchop, raw beef, raw rabbit, raw mutton, rotten flesh, ender pearl, eye of ender, sugar cane, sugar, gunpowder, chorus fruit, popped chorus fruit, shulker shell, fishing rod, cookie, pumpkin pie, bread, diamond axe, trident, brown mushroom, red mushroom, name tag, grass path, dirt, dried kelp, egg, treasure map, snowball, slimeball, magma cream, item frame, bonemeal, ink sack, spider eye, fermented spider eye, lapis lazuli, bone, blaze rod, glowstone dust, wheat, poisonous potato, potato, glistering melon, sweet berries, carrot, birch leaves, endstone, golden carrot, totem of undying, golden apple, enchanted apple, quartz block, lime dye, purple dye, pink dye, magenta dye, gray dye,

creator: worldmaker736 


Topic starter Posted : 21/04/2020 12:23 pm