Zed's Vanilla
Granted, there are a lot of vanilla tweaks texture packs out there. I have spent quite some of my own time browsing for a great pack: that which improves and changes vanilla but not to a certain extent. After finding next to none, I decided to make my own pack. I have tried to fit my own criteria to hopefully satisfy other people like me who loves vanilla improvements. I present, Zed's Vanilla.
Zed's Vanilla contents!
Block tweaks
Better Polished Blocks (Granite in picture outdated XD), connected Bookshelves, a more shaded flowerpot, bigger door windows (not all doors), and a composter with the podzol not visible on the sides.

Tool tweaks
Tweaks all tools!
Wood changes: Leaf ties
Stone changes: Ties
Netherite changes: Removes dark band on handles
Changes applicable to all: Adds the little knob previously exclusive to swords

Double Slabs!
Thanks to Eko0087/Dragon0087 for their double slab code!
Double slab textures are basically a fancy way to have two alternative textures. You place two slabs on top of each other and bam, new textures.



Press the .mcpack file and it should install.
For those who use zip, decompress the folder and add it to the resourcepacks folder (games>com.mojang>resourcepacks)
Zed's Vanilla Version 1.3: The very anticlimactic granite bricks update
—Polished Granite, textures are now more bricklike
—Loom side (very minor)
—All stone double slab textures. They were bugged (eg. Quartz Double Slabs turned into Stone Brick Double Slabs)
—Note Block textures. Too radical change.
creator: ZedorekuDaropu