
Minecraft 1.14 text...
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Minecraft 1.14 textures on Bedrock!

Active Member

Here are the new 1.4 textures for bedrock.

I've converted it all manually so there is no problems at all.

-Updated to 1.4 snapshot 18w48b
-fixed fireworks
-fixed the Potion textures
-fixed leaves not displaying correctly
-Updated to 1.4 snapshot 18w47b
-Changed the textures for some of the Shulker Boxes to look like the new Crafting tables
-Updated to 1.4 snapshot 18w46a
-Updated to 1.4 snapshot 18w44a

Download here -

Check out my Youtube for more stuff like this..

Heres a video of it to show you guys -
[video=youtube;2-Qy5MqrzSw] [/video]

Topic starter Posted : 31/10/2018 7:07 pm
Reputable Member

Thanks for sharing, please use some pictures aswell. This way I can share on social media too 🙂

Posted : 01/11/2018 8:19 am
Active Member

Thanks for sharing, please use some pictures aswell. This way I can share on social media too 🙂

I tried but it wouldn't let me..? I added them but they never appeared?.. am I doing somthing wrong?

Topic starter Posted : 01/11/2018 10:26 am
Reputable Member

I tried but it wouldn't let me..? I added them but they never appeared?.. am I doing somthing wrong?

Fixed, if you edit the article yourself now you'll see that the images must end in .png or .jpg - If you're using Imgur best way is once you've upload. Right click the image open new tab and it'll give you the png 🙂

Posted : 01/11/2018 10:42 am
Active Member

Fixed, if you edit the article yourself now you'll see that the images must end in .png or .jpg - If you're using Imgur best way is once you've upload. Right click the image open new tab and it'll give you the png 🙂

Oh... ok .. thanks. 🙂

Topic starter Posted : 01/11/2018 11:07 am
New Member

The Textures are amazing. It's very well-done. But I do have a question: There are some textures that are missing like the leaves and the potion so did you forgot to add it or you didn't add it yet? I'm a bit confused...

Posted : 03/11/2018 1:02 am
New Member

The Textures are amazing. It's very well-done. But I do have a question: There are some textures that are missing like the leaves and the potion so did you forgot to add it or you didn't add it yet? I'm a bit confused...

The Problem is that he used a Texture Converter that Convertes the Textures from Java to Bedrock.But mostly,almost half of the Textures are missing.I have also ported the New Textuers so if you want to see a Not cheap ported Texture Pack with almost every Texture,then...

Posted : 10/11/2018 4:15 am
New Member

The Problem is that he used a Texture Converter that Convertes the Textures from Java to Bedrock.But mostly,almost half of the Textures are missing.I have also ported the New Textuers so if you want to see a Not cheap ported Texture Pack with almost every Texture,then...

Thank you for specifying!

Posted : 10/11/2018 9:48 am
Trusted Member

omg the diamond, emerald and gold blocks. 🤢 🤮 they really want people to stop building with them.

Posted : 11/11/2018 3:29 am
Trusted Member

great video though! (:

Posted : 11/11/2018 3:30 am
Active Member

The Problem is that he used a Texture Converter that Convertes the Textures from Java to Bedrock.But mostly,almost half of the Textures are missing.I have also ported the New Textuers so if you want to see a Not cheap ported Texture Pack with almost every Texture,then...

i converted everything by hand, i did do the leaves? and i also cant do the bottles due to the way java generates potions..

Topic starter Posted : 16/11/2018 1:50 pm
New Member

i converted everything by hand, i did do the leaves? and i also cant do the bottles due to the way java generates potions..

I'd try and update EVERYTHING. Please dont make shulker boxes the new blocks, it just doesnt fit. It also isnt accurate. 🙁

Posted : 19/11/2018 10:12 pm
New Member

There is something really wrong with the leaves. It looks just plain disgusting. Plz fix this.

Posted : 01/12/2018 5:16 am
Active Member

Updated to latest snapshot, check the changelog for details..

Topic starter Posted : 02/12/2018 9:18 pm