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This resource pack changes the way in-game music plays, adds unused songs, and adds a music player! People who enjoy listening to Minecraft's music will find that this pack improves the experience quite a bit.
- Music plays constantly with no silent periods, except in the Deep Dark.
- All songs are much louder than normal.
- Door, Moog City, Équinoxe, Chris, Excuse, Beginning, Droopy Likes Richochet, and Droopy Likes Your Face from Minecraft Volume Alpha have been added.
- Ki, Flake, Kyoto, and Intro from Minecraft Volume Beta have been added.
- Earth and Sprouting from Minecraft Earth have been added.
- Magnetic Circuit (calm4) from Java Edition Alpha v1.1.1 has been added.
- Festive versions of Ballad of the Cats (xmasn1), Warmth (xmasn2), and The End (xmas_the_end) have been added.
- Creative, Survival, Menu, Underwater, and Biome-specific (such as Swamp and Desert) songs play interchangeably.
- Nether Wastes, Crimson Forest, and Soul Sand Valley songs play interchangeably with the original Nether songs.
- Music plays in Warped Forests.
- End and Boss play interchangeably.
- Dog plays after the Cat music disc.
- Jukebox music is audible from 250 blocks away instead of the default 64.
- The "11" music disc has been replaced with Minecraft Volume Alpha's "Eleven", an actual song.
- The "ward" music disc has been replaced with Minecraft Volume Beta's "Ward", a remixed version of the original disc.
- An in-game music player has been added to the emote screen. (Or the settings screen when not in a world.)
- Up to 100 custom songs can be added. Requires the Custom Music Container companion pack.
- Any individual song can be played with the command "/playsound song.[song_name/filename] @s".
- Music discs will still play from the jukebox regardless of the pack option chosen below.
- Dimension-Based Music - Includes Extra Songs (Default): Any song from the current dimension can play anywhere. Unused songs from the official soundtracks are added where they fit.
- Dimension-Based Music - No Extra Songs: This limits the music to songs that are in any base version of the game, but otherwise matches the features of the other Dimension-Based option.
- Terrain-Based Music - Includes Extra Songs: This separates music more to give unique atmospheres to different places in the world. Underwater, Mountain, Cave, Swamp, Forest, Jungle, Desert, and Deep Dark music now play only in the relevant locations. Nether music is also split up by biome. Unused songs from the official soundtracks are added where they fit.
- Terrain-Based Music - No Extra Songs: This limits music to songs that are in any base version of the game and separates them by location in the same way as the other Terrain-Based option.
- Total Music Mix (Any Song Plays Anywhere): This lets any music, including Credits, End, Boss, Nether, Underwater, Biome-specific, Menu, Survival, Creative, Music Discs, Custom, and Extra music play at any time.
- Old Music Only: This limits overworld music to songs from before the 2013 Music Update and Nether music to songs from before the Nether Update.
- Oldest Music Only: This limits all music to songs from before the 2013 Music Update. It doesn't use Creative, Underwater, Mountain, Biome-specific, Nether, End, Credits, or Menu music.
- Festive Music Only: This limits the music to festive songs.
- Custom Music Only: This limits the music to custom songs. If no custom songs have been added, it will be silent. Requires the Custom Music Container companion pack.
- No Ambient Music (For Music Player): This stops music from playing automatically. It's meant for players who want to manually play songs with the music player or commands.

Music+ adds an in-game music player to the emote screen (or the settings screen when not in a world). This menu allows you to play any song in Minecraft with the press of a button. It works in any gamemode on any world, even without cheats enabled.
Selecting multiple songs from the music player will cause them to play at the same time. If you select an album, the game will play one random song from that album. You can stop any song by selecting the stop button next to the individual song entry.

Released June 9, 2023
Do NOT update Custom Music Container or your custom songs will be lost!
- Added a new album for commands that has the Trails & Tales songs
- This album can be played with "/playsound album.trails_and_tales @s"
- Updated the music discs album to include Relic
Music Player:
- Added a new section and album for the Trails & Tales songs
- The Music Discs album in the music player can now play Relic
Dimension-Based Music:
- Trails & Tales music tracks now play interchangeably with all other overworld songs
Terrain-Based Music:
- Music groups are now less rigid
- Classic C418 songs are mixed into new biome playlists where they fit
- Split forest music into three separate groups:
- Forest: Upbeat vibes. Plays in common Forests, Birch Forests, and Roofed Forests.
- Calm Forest: Slower, laid back vibes. Plays in Cherry Groves, Flower Forests, and Old Growth Taigas.
- Humid Forest: Swampy vibes. Plays in all Jungle and Swamp variants.
- Deserts and Badlands now share a unique set of songs
Total Music Mix:
- Trails & Tales songs can now play in addition to the others
- The music player once again appears in the emote screen on the latest versions
- 13 is now visible in the Music Discs section of the music player
- Deep Dark music no longer plays constantly when using "Terrain-Based Music: No Extra Songs"
- Basalt Deltas now use the correct sound event in all subpacks
- The Music Discs album artist is now "Various Artists"
- Samuel Åberg is now listed as the creator of Five
- The Caves & Cliffs album image is now smaller
- Removed outdated information telling mobile players to download game music from the Marketplace
- Added German translations (Thanks, Alex PNG#8243!)
- Updated the minimum game version required to use the pack to 1.20.0, which means this pack is no longer compatible with earlier versions
- Updated Snowstorm's name and Twitter handle in all languages
- Updated the Explanation, Credits, and Command List to be correct with this version
- Updated the custom tab with the latest Changelog and Credits
- Changed pack UUID to be compatible with earlier versions of this pack
- Updated pack version to 3.3.0
If you want to add custom songs, you need to download Custom Music Player in addition to Music+.
If you're downloading an update to Music+, do not redownload Custom Music Container. Custom Music Container will never need an update, which keeps your custom songs safe.
Make sure to apply Custom Music Container above Music+.
Latest Release:
Music+ 3.3.0:
Custom Music Container:
All Downloads:
Music+ 1.0.0:
Music+ 1.1.0:
Music+ 1.2.0:
Music+ 2.0.0:
Music+ 2.1.0:
Music+ 2.2.0:
Music+ 3.0.0:
Music+ 3.1.0:
Music+ 3.2.0:
Music+ 3.3.0:
Custom Music Container:
Pack Creator: AgentMindStorm
Sidebar by Snowstorm
Stop button technique by QuazChick
Spanish Translations by Netongas NG
French Translations by moi:
German Translations by Alex PNG (Alex PNG#8243 on Discord).