Did you ever want some very unusual experience while playing Minecraft? Well, this pack will surely give you one. It pretty much changes the entire game by inverting all colors you see in your Minecraft world. It can be a fun challange to play pretty much anything with this, can't it? Well if you got interested, check this out!
This texture pack was made using software(GIMP) that inverted colors of all Minecraft textures and it brings very weird, alien-like feel to your Minecraft experience. It can be sometimes quite challenging to navigate in your inventory or even the world itself with this pack enabled, which is the beauty of it. It comes with 2 options - No UI inverted, basic UI inverted (default). Some screenshots for reference are bellow.
Diamond and redstone ore:

Lush cave:

All flowers:




Without pack:

With pack:

Known issues:
Banners, leather armor and other hard-coded colors aren't fully inverted, I can't do anything about that.
Vines texture isn't inverted as item, however the vines block is.
If you want to join our great community or report any bug or issue, make sure to join our Discord Server.
This resource pack was made by Studio IceCraft and is restricted under this license. If you wish to share this content, make sure to credit with link to this post!
Enjoy playing with this texture pack! 🙂
Supported are all MC Bedrock versions that are above 1.16 including beta.
How to install:
- Go to the mediafire download page.
- Select file you want to download (.mcpack or .zip)
- Download it.
- Open/extract it depending on the file format.
- If you want you can optionally click the gear icon and change the UI profile of the pack. (whether UI will be inverted or not)
Version 1.1, caves and cliffs update!
- All ores are now using inverted texture of caves and cliffs beta ores.
- All water and water fog colors are now inverted.
- All 1.17 beta blocks, items, mobs, particles etc. are inverted.
- Added proper license for the pack.